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Aaron Babbitt reflects on media treatment, medical handling of his late wife Ashli

'My wife was a very magnanimous, large ball of energy in a very small package. And a lot of people are reeling from the loss of her.'
Special to WorldTribune, April 30, 2021

By R. Clinton Ohlers

In a heartfelt interview with the media, Ashli Babbitt’s husband introduced the public to who is wife was and describes the troubling details surrounding her shooting and how authorities responded to her death.

"You know the term 'insurrectionist' keeps getting thrown around, 'rioter.' To me, she was just a blue-collar American veteran who wanted her voice to be heard and nobody was listening."

A friendly extrovert who loved animals, "She loved talking to people with opposing views — you know, that was her favorite thing to do,” Aaron Babbitt recalled in an interview with Greg Kelly on Newsmax. “And after that it was, 'let's go drink a beer together, friend,' you know.”

"They're just lambasting her on social media and mainstream news,” he added.

The video footage shows a very different reality, Mr. Babbitt says. The timing of the event, well after the president finished speaking, he believes also shows that her shooting occurred after the majority of violence had occurred at the Capitol.

"I've also seen the video . . . an overhead of inside the Capitol and you can see my wife calmly walking through the red velvet ropes, taking a video. You know, just walking very calmly with everybody else. I mean, she wasn't violent. She wasn't there to hurt anybody."

“Nothing, I don't think, she did that day warranted to be, you know, one shot, one kill, just executed,” he said.

The video of the shooting shows her potentially trying to climb through a broken window of a door, with her empty hands clearly visible. It also shows a masked officer in a plainclothes business suite reach out with a gun and fire a single shot, apparently without warning, which hit Ashli Babbitt in the neck.

An expert contributor to World Tribune agrees with Aaron Babbitt.

“The officer who shot Ashli Babbitt was not in imminent danger because Ashli Babbitt was unarmed and on the other side of a wall,” he observed, and describes this response as “absolutely unbelievable . . . Incredible.”

Police officers throughout the United States including Federal Police Officers may only use deadly force as a last resort under certain conditions, and that is: When they reasonably believe they (or a third party, meaning someone other than themselves), is in imminent danger of death or seriously bodily injury (such as a permanent injury). Imminent means right now,” he writes. “And it is specific to the District of Columbia as well as spelled out on the Code of District of Columbia, Chapter 3 B, Use of Deadly Force.

Aaron Babbitt also finds troubling and tragic the video evidence he believes shows his wife was not treated in a medically responsible way to save her life. Rather, he believes it shows a hasty effort to cover the incident up.

"You know anybody with basic medical experience could tell you: Elevate that wound. And they carried her upside down, and they really want to get her out of there as fast as they could. And that's not to save a life. They just wanted to erase that from that moment in time."

"You see how fast they cleaned up that scene — I mean, they had my wife's blood off that ground as quick as they could," he said with visible emotion. "They pulled her body from that floor as quick as they could. They carried her upside down like they're draining out a deer.”

"My wife was a very magnanimous, large ball of energy in a very small package. And a lot of people are reeling from the loss of her,” Aaron Babbitt reflected. “The void is insurmountable, unexplainable, but we wake up every day missing her."

The officer who’s name has not been released, went into hiding immediately after the shooting.

In spite of the fact that expert analysis shows the shooting was unjustified, the Department of Justice has dropped any action to pursue charges against the officer.

Our expert writes that this announcement by the DOJ thereby “confirms that this top federal agency has issued a license to kill unarmed protestors.”

The DOJ also declined to prosecute BLM and Antifa activist John Earle Sullivan who video taped the shooting of Ms. Babbitt.

An advocate of armed revolution, Sullivan also recorded himself earlier encouraging the Capitol break in, exclaiming “we did it!” after entering. In response, Sullivan’s co-videographer, a CNN reporter, said “You aren’t recording, are you?”

Aaron Babbitt, says no one at the Capitol Police has spoken with him about the killing of his late wife. He said plans for a civil lawsuit are underway, but denied rumors that the suit would seek the specific amount of $12 million in damages.

A GoFundMe has been set up for Aaron Babbitt called "Ashli Babbitt Official Memorial" and has already raised more than $44,800.

Ashli Babbitt was thirty-five at the time of her death, a U. S. Air Force veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

See interview here.

R. Clinton Ohlers, PhD is a historian of science and religion and a contributing editor for the FreePressMediaGroup.

INFORMATION WORLD WAR: How We Win . . . . Executive Intelligence Brief

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