Special to WorldTribune.com, November 13, 2023

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferMassive amounts of George Soros money have codified abortion into a constitutional right in Ohio. And, right on cue, a fully allied big-box media and dominant political establishment is cackling in unison that this is an organic representation of the will of the American people definitively proving that opposing the murder of the unborn is a political death sentence for conservatives.
It's rather startling that anybody capable of independent thought would accept such a heavy-handed narrative given the state of this nation today. But, then again, they've accepted it every step of the way on the long decline in U.S. cultural values that has marked the Sexual Revolution since the 1960s.
As always, the rule should be, follow the money and uncover the manipulation. Which brings us to the abomination that is child transgenderism today.
Tim Gill, computer software programmer, Quark founder and homosexual “philanthropist” who amassed a net worth north of $500 million, runs the Gill Foundation with his decades younger “husband,” Scott Miller. To the further embarrassment of American citizens, installed President Joe Biden naturally appointed this powerful Democrat donor’s boy toy to be U.S. ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
The dirty little open secret with the homosexual movement, of course, is that transgenderism and the grooming technique known as child transgenderism is a core tenet of the cause. The Gill Foundation is one of the biggest financial supporters of child transgenderism in the U.S. Tellingly, “Youth and Families” is listed as one of its three stated priorities on the foundation’s website. In May, the foundation spotlighted a Texas mother of a trans child. The woman clearly relishes the attention:
There’s no how-to guidebook on raising a trans kid – and raising a trans kid publicly. We take it moment by moment. With every media request that we’re presented with, we ask: Do we want to do this? We can only do so much. It’s a lot to parade your trauma out there all the time. We ask: Is it going to be a “both sides” debate? Because if that’s the case, we’re out. We’re not debating my son’s existence and his ability to live freely and safely in this country. Full stop. Most importantly, we ask: Is it going to be impactful? With every opportunity, we talk about this as a family.
Yep, Amber Briggle is just a regular all-American mom. No agenda whatsoever. As you can see here:Long live the Queens! 👑 https://t.co/cqk7dxFmFQ
— Amber Briggle (she/they) (@mrsbriggle) September 27, 2023
So great that it's not about her.
No, not at all:
Shout out to all of the loving parents of trans kids and good riddance to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. @mrsbriggle pic.twitter.com/IFrx9oCSJM
— GLAAD (@glaad) May 27, 2023
As usual, powerful connections are easy to be found at the Gill Foundation. Board member Eliza Byard:
Eliza was the Executive Director of GLSEN, an organization recognized worldwide as a pioneering leader in the fight for LGBTQ+ students’ well-being and access to education....
She has served as a trusted advisor to a broad range of institutions and organizations, including Target, Sodexo, the National Parks Service, the U.S. Department of Education, the CDC, UNESCO, and the World Bank.
Watchdog website Influence Watch’s dossier on the organization reveals that the Ford Foundation and the Soros-soaked Tides Foundation are among big-dollar foundation donors to Gill’s endeavor. Here’s a nauseating look at the Gill Foundation in action. In June, it “partnered” with Biden to pull off the vulgar freak show at the White House, featuring a topless trans activist, that so revolted millions of Americans:On Saturday, hundreds of LGBTQ families, transgender youth, and community members gathered at the White House to celebrate Pride Month. The Gill Foundation was honored to partner with the White House to support the event, which was a chance to ring in a season of Pride for LGBTQ Americans and a reminder of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to our community all year long.
🚨 Biden Faces Backlash on Twitter after Trans Activist goes Topless at White House Pride Event pic.twitter.com/NhLHcQKuGd
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) June 13, 2023
The depravity of White House Pride Month was nothing new. In 2021, the first June for the installed (we’re going to keep using that term) Biden administration, a special nod was made to child transgenderism:
Sixteen-year-old Ashton Mota introduced President Joe Biden at the White House on Friday as the administration kicked off the return of Pride commemorations.
"My name is Ashton Mota, I use he/him pronouns, and I'm honored to be here with you all today," Mota said. "I am a 16-year-old Black, Afro-Latino high school student from Lowell, Massachusetts. I also happen to be transgender."
Biden went out of his way to praise this grotesque evil:Calling transgender kids "some of the bravest people in the world," Biden added: "It takes courage to be true to your authentic self, and to face discrimination … it takes a toll."
Biden has long expressed a special closeness to Tim Gill. In 2015, Joe Biden called Tim and Scott Miller his close personal friends:One of the great things about being in the business I’m in, and I really mean it, is as you travel around the country, as you engage in the issues of the day, you actually make friends, friends for a lifetime, friends you know that even though you don’t see each other that much, you know if you picked up the phone and you called for help, they wouldn’t ask. They’d be there. That’s how I feel about Scott and Tim. That’s how I feel about you, and I don’t even know you guys that well. No, I really mean it. I really mean it. You can tell. You can taste it. You can feel it. You can smell it. It’s just – as my mother would say, it’s that sixth sense.
And here he is again in 2016, as per establishment propaganda organ Rolling Stone:“Now is not the time to go sit on the sidelines,” Joe Biden thunders, slamming his fist on a podium branded with the vice presidential seal. “We need to push – and push hard.” It’s an early evening in May 2016, and 30 of the nation’s most prolific LGBTQ donors are gathered in the living room of a penthouse apartment on Park Avenue in Manhattan. Biden thanks the men and women in the audience for their efforts so far. But there is one person he singles out by name, an unassuming and slightly awkward man seated in the last row of chairs, doing his best to avoid attention. “Incredible,” Biden calls him. If not for the work of Tim Gill, Biden says, there is no telling where the LGBTQ-rights movement would be.
There is another ugly side to Tim Gill: His inimical attacks against religion, Christianity in particular. The Gill Foundation targets religious opposition to homosexuality specifically, and virulently. Catholic News Agency reported in 2021:“The foundation has shown an extremist hostility to basic freedom-of-conscience protections for those who do not morally approve of same-sex unions. This is fundamentally totalitarian and anti-American,” [United Methodist Director at the Institute on Religion and Democracy John] Lomperis charged. “The Gill Foundation’s opposition to religious liberty and freedom-of-conscience protections represent the extreme opposite of America’s greatest traditions and highest ideals of freedom and tolerance, no matter how many misleading slogans they may hide behind.”
Propping up phony Catholic organizations to support his radical agenda plays a part in this war on Christian values:As CNA previously reported, in 2012 the Gill Foundation made a $100,000 general support grant to the Catholics United Education Fund, almost the entire annual budget of the group. With its 501c4 partner Catholics United, the group had begun to lobby for same-sex marriage and criticized Catholic groups and schools that followed Catholic teaching on the subject. In 2013, the group claimed the Catholic men’s organization the Knights of Columbus was funding a “far-right political agenda” against “marriage equality.” In fact, the men’s group was following the lead of the U.S. bishops and its work to defend marriage was praised by Pope Francis in a letter to its 2013 international convention.
The 2017 Rolling Stone article linked to above shows how deep Gill’s antipathy for Christianity goes:More broadly, for Gill and his allies, nondiscrimination is the new front of the movement: a campaign that pits LGBTQ advocates against a religious right that responded to marriage equality by redoubling its efforts....
Gill refuses to go on the defense. “We’re going into the hardest states in the country,” he says. “We’re going to punish the wicked.”
A puff piece in Denver magazine 5280 is even more eye-opening. It sketches out a heartfelt anger towards enemies of homosexuality that the publication approvingly asserts has always driven Gill:This is a pattern in Gill’s life. When his community – when his very identity – is attacked, it pierces him. He is not often brought to anger, but, as his husband, Scott Miller, explains today, that changes when gay rights are threatened. “We’re actually really quiet people,” Miller says. “But – excuse the language – if you f*ck around with the LGBT community, you will face Tim Gill’s wrath.”
To be clear, Gill is not a millionaire motivated purely by exacting revenge and inflicting pain on those who attack him. As Miller puts it: “[Anger] is just the catalyst. Anger is the spark that starts a pretty amazing process in Tim Gill’s life.”
The sinister elitist forces that are driving abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism in America are waging a war on natural law. These issues are mere planks in a larger global transhumanist effort to rebel against God’s natural order. It’s a battle they ultimately cannot win, for no matter how hard they try and how much money they spend, nature always prevails in the end.And that is the ultimate source of the anger so often seen among abortion and homosexual radicals. Defeating the “religious right” in Ohio or anywhere else will not bring them one step closer to their overall goal. They are the created, not the Creator. As such, they are bound to certain unchangeable realities. And there is nothing they can do to change that immutable fact. But that does not mean they won't keep trying.
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