Special to WorldTribune.com, July 12, 2021

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferLeftist globalist elites and corporate sponsors with direct ties to leading players in the Biden administration are seeking to use American money to foment social revolution in Latin America under the pleasing guise of "feminism" or "gender equality."
On July 5, WorldTribune reported that George Soros’s Open Society Foundations has pledged more than $100 million over the next five years to strengthen “a range of feminist-led movements and [increase] their leadership across a broad range of sectors, from politics and the private sector to civil society and government.” An Open Society release states that “the majority of the funding will help strengthen feminist organizations and funds around the world.”
At the same time this was being announced, Chilean delegates appeared to be reading from the Soros playbook on this new feminist program by appointing a minority female champion of “women’s rights” to craft the nation’s new Constitution, which globalists everywhere are crowing is to be a transformative triumph for feminism around the world.
The Soros game plan specifically calls for the use of “leaders of minority identities” espousing feminism to enact radical change.
But there are more players involved in this lavishly funded push to promote cultural Marxism in the Global South, with Latin America as a special target. They include globalist elites from the private sector, corporate supporters and leading officials in the Biden White House today.
On June 3, the International Planned Parenthood Federation-Western Hemisphere Region announced “the early launch of a new global feminist alliance” with two other groups, the International Women's Health Coalition and the Center For Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE). The main focus of this new alliance is to be the Global South.
“As a woman of Afro-Indigenous descent from the Global South, I am excited that our voice will lead this transformation for the next generations of BIPOC women, girls and gender-diverse people across the globe,” IPPFWHR Board Chair Jovana Rios Cisnero is quoted as saying in a press statement.
Minority woman front and center. Papa George would be pleased.
The new alliance’s mission statement declares:
IPPFWHR is an ecosystem of thirty plus partner organizations in more than 20 countries across the Americas and the Caribbean who together advance a common mission:
• Ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health care
• Eliminating violence against women, girls, and gender-diverse people
• Providing sex education
• Fighting for sexual and reproductive justice by dismantling structural racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination, such as disablism.
The International Women’s Health Coalition, one of the players in this new alliance, is a who’s who of connected wealthy elites.
Here are some names from the IWHC Board of Directors (bold added throughout this column):
-- Stuart Burden is Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. His passion for justice, equality, and human rights fuels his pursuit of lasting solutions to complex social problems.
-- Marnie Pillsbury was the executive director of The David Rockefeller Fund from 1990 until 2014, and served as David Rockefeller’s philanthropic advisor from 1990 until July 2018.
-- Susan Nitze "is a member of the Women and Foreign Policy Advisory Council of the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the board of governors of the OTR, Off the Record, foreign policy luncheon series, and a committee member of Network 20/20, which helps educate the next generation of U.S. leaders on policies promoting global public security."
Nitze's husband is the son of Paul Nitze, a former U.S. Navy Secretary and literally a ruling class Hall of Famer:
[Paul] Nitze’s brother-in-law Walter Paepcke founded the Aspen Institute and Aspen Skiing Company. Nitze continued to ski in Aspen until well into his 80s.
The IWHC mission statement again bluntly states that the Global South is to be the target of its women’s power push:
Our Mission: In order to achieve gender justice, IWHC advances the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and adolescent girls, by:
• Funding and supporting feminist leaders, organizations, and movements, primarily in the Global South.
• Advocating for international and US policies, programs, and funding, and holding governments to their commitments.
The organization’s "Our Founding" page reveals an interesting bit of information: the IWHC was hatched out of an organization specifically created to train abortionists overseas:
Joan Dunlop takes over a small organization created by abortion rights pioneer Merle Goldberg to fund abortion training in a few select countries. As President, Joan successfully convinces the founding board that IWHC should articulate a broader vision and sets IWHC on a path toward becoming a leading voice for women’s health and rights around the world: “This was not about abortion, this was about women.”
CHANGE is the other new partner of the IPPFWHR. It has some big names associated with it as well. Paul O'Brien, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, is on the CHANGE Board of Directors.
The group’s 2020 annual report reveals that it is funded by Soros's Open Society Foundations and the World Bank Group Community Connections Campaign.
As WorldTribune reported in September, Bill Gates and other powerful moneyed interests have bankrolled a radical “Feminist Foreign Policy” action paper that explicitly calls for revolutionary social change. Among other things, it “seeks to disrupt colonial, racist, patriarchal and male-dominated power structures; and allocates significant resources, including research, to achieve that vision.”
Translation: Destroy the social fabric of sovereign Latin American nation states.
The International Center For Research on Women’s website hosts the document. It states:
In August 2019, a group of U.S. foreign policy experts and advocates for global gender equality came together over the course of three days to sketch out an initial draft of a U.S. feminist foreign policy. This discussion benefited from a research review of other countries’ feminist foreign policies, as well as insights gathered through a series of global consultations with more than 100 feminist activists from over 40 countries as to what a global template or gold standard for feminist foreign policy should entail.
The "Coalition Steering Committee" for this radical plan, which is to be funded by the Global North – i.e., the U.S., Canada and Europe – and aimed squarely at the Global South, <a href="https://www.icrw.org/publications/toward-a-feminist-foreign-policy-in-the-united-states/">includes</a>:
-- Andrew Albertson, Executive Director, Foreign Policy for America
-- Sundaa Bridgett-Jones, Managing Director, Policy and Coalitions, Communications, Policy and Advocacy, The Rockefeller Foundation
-- Tarah Demant, Director – Gender, Sexuality, and Identity Program, Amnesty International
-- Kavita Ramdas, Director, Open Society Foundations’ Women’s Rights Program
-- Serra Sippel, (now former) President, CHANGE (she is currently Chief Global Advocacy Officer at IPPFWHR)
-- Jenny Vanyur, Associate Director of Global Advocacy, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)
In other words, most of the same names involved with the new feminist global alliance were a part of the crafting of the “Feminist Foreign Policy” document.
But the key group mentioned above is Foreign Policy For America. This organization is rife with ties to the top foreign policy advisers of installed President Joe Biden.
As we noted in September:
Top Biden advisers associated with Foreign Policy For America include reported “inner circle” bigwigs Antony Blinken and Avril Haines and other Biden campaign personnel are actively involved with the group.
Blinken, whose father has deep-seated Soros ties going back decades, is now serving as Secretary of State in the Biden administration. Avril Haines is Director of National Intelligence.
Foreign Policy For America, IPPFWHR, IWHC and CHANGE are all listed as official “Supporters” of the Feminist Foreign Policy treatise.
A supplementary 2020 “Memo to the Next Administration” contained a number of recommendations. Here are the first three:
1. Policy Articulation: The next Administration should develop and launch an overarching U.S. Strategy for a Feminist Foreign Policy and ensure effective integration within executive branch agencies.
2. Leadership and Structures: The President should assemble a White House Feminist Policy Council, led by a newly appointed Director, reporting to the President, with a clear mandate and resources to drive the development and implementation of the U.S. Strategy for a Feminist Foreign Policy.
3. Funding: 100 percent of U.S. international programs should consider and incorporate intersectional gender analysis in their design, implementation and evaluation (i.e., be “gender mainstreamed”). Given gender equality’s central importance to global sustainable development, environmental integrity, justice, security and economic prosperity, no less than 20 percent of U.S. foreign assistance funding should be dedicated to promoting gender equality as a primary goal across various sectors and appropriations funding mandates.
On March 8, Biden by executive order implemented Recommendation Number Two, creating the “Gender Policy Council“ to “to advance gender equity and equality in both domestic and foreign policy development and implementation.”
“The Council shall coordinate with the National Security Council on all issues related to gender equality globally, including women’s economic participation, health, and involvement in peace and security efforts,” Biden’s order reads.
The Gender Policy Council is co-chaired by Yale University Professor Jennifer Klein and Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon, who served as U.S. ambassador to Uruguay under the Obama administration from 2012-14.
Pantaleon also serves as first lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff. Before taking up that post, she was a partner at powerhouse law firm Winston & Strawn. Her official U.S. embassy bio states that she is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In 1999, Pantaleon, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic, was the recipient of a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. Paul Soros, who died in 2013, was the older brother of George Soros.
Pantaleon is also on the Board of Directors of a group called Global Americans. “Drawn from the private sector, law and academia our board directors and team members are deeply committed to the region and to improving relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean and the rest of the world,” the group’s website declares.
On its “About Us” page, Global Americans reveals that it is funded by U.S. taxpayers via the National Endowment for Democracy and by the leftist globalist Ford Foundation to conduct its work in the Global South:
Made possible by the generous support of the National Endowment for Democracy (as well as the Ford Foundation and private donors), this report is the fifth in a project to analyze and track the foreign policies of governments in the Americas and those of other select countries of the Global South as they relate to democracy and human rights, and the international norms and practices that have emerged in the past 50 years to defend and protect them.
Global Americans regularly champions abortion and the homosexual movement in Latin America.
Let’s recap, then, what is happening all at the same time today:
-- George Soros is dedicating more than $100 million to promote global feminism.
-- Major elitist feminist groups are uniting to ratchet up their efforts to pressure the U.S. government to fund the promotion of radical social change in Latin America.
-- A treatise endorsed by an organization that had the current U.S. secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence as active members at the time is openly calling for an official U.S. foreign policy that fosters revolutionary social change abroad.
-- Powerful internationalist forces have their personnel in place within the White House Gender Policy Council.
Think of these things and then consider this. Nearly 57 percent of Americans polled recently believe Joe Biden is not calling the shots inside the White House. That number includes nearly one third of Democrats surveyed and 58 percent of independent voters.
A shadow presidency appears free to implement a ruinous foreign policy in which the United States of America directly undermines the social cohesion of “Global South” nation states, and it will all be done in the name of “empowering women.”
Joe Schaeffer is the former Managing Editor of The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. His columns appear at WorldTribune.com and FreePressInternational.org.
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