Special to WorldTribune.com, September 26, 2022

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferThe unwilling admission is evident even as it is embedded in the deflection. The American Heart Association wrote Sept. 19 of a new study:
People who got COVID-19 had a higher risk of dangerous blood clots for close to a year later, according to a large new study on the aftereffects of a SARS-CoV-2 infection during the period before vaccines became available.
As seen in previous studies, COVID-19 was linked to a sharply increased risk of blood clot-related issues – including heart attack and stroke – immediately after diagnosis compared to people who never had COVID-19. But the new study found that risk remained higher for some problems up to 49 weeks later.
By stressing the pre-vaccine time period, the AHA is tacitly acknowledging that an elevated risk of blood clots and coronavirus vaccination go hand-in-hand. Which, in fact, is something the organization has itself previously stated. As WorldTribune reported March 2:In December, WorldTribune.com reported nurses in Ventura County, California were blowing the whistle on an alarming rise in heart problems, strokes, and blood clotting in vaccinated patients.
One month earlier, the American Heart Association, not exactly a conspiracy theory blog, had weighed in: “We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
However, by tying blood clots to the virus, the alarming rise seen after the unprecedented coercive global-scale jab campaign is mitigated, and a sense of normalcy induced:In the first week after a COVID-19 diagnosis, the risk of such venous problems was 33 times higher. By the third and fourth weeks after diagnosis, the risk was still about eight times higher. And between 27 and 49 weeks later, the risk was still 1.8 times higher than in somebody who had never had COVID-19.
See, it's the virus. Even a year later, it's the virus that's causing those blood clots. For the big-box media, now seems a good time to talk about the elevated risk of blood clots in young people today. Thrombosis can happen to anyone, The Houston Chronicle told readers on Sept. 8. Even young, healthy, basketball-playing doctors:“Dr. [Daniel] Hermann is the picture of health,” [hematologist Dr. Muffaddal] Morkas said.
Hermann is not overweight or a smoker. He does not have any health issues, and he is active.
“For someone like him to have a blood clot out of nowhere, we discussed that he would benefit from long-term blood thinners,” Morkas said.
It is not a decision the hematologist takes lightly. There are side effects; but in this scenario, the benefits outweigh the risks.
The paper wants you to know that there can be so many reasons for the sudden development of deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, for short:Hermann explained that DVT can result from long periods of not moving – like during travel or bedrest after surgery. Risk also increases with injury to a vein, increased estrogen, age, obesity and certain chronic medical illnesses like cancer, inflammatory bowel, heart or liver disease. But in his case, it all came down to inheriting a predisposition for clotting.
All of this information is certainly worth sharing. But... isn’t there something they’re not mentioning? It would appear that younger people are being especially targeted in the normalization campaign. In August, NBC’s national morning show Today featured the plight of a popular social media “influencer” who mysteriously came down with blood clots one day:This past spring, Justine Ezarik, known by her YouTube fans as iJustine, noticed her arm felt numb. It went away but soon returned. Then her arm became swollen and turned purple.
“I couldn’t even flex my arm because my bicep was so massive that it looked like I was so shredded from the gym — but it was just swollen,” Ezarik, 38, from Los Angeles, told TODAY. “I went to (an emergency clinic) and a nurse looked at it. She’s like, ‘We’re not equipped to handle that.’”
She visited a local emergency department for treatment and learned that deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot located in deep veins, caused her numb, swollen arm.
“I went from (being) perfectly fine to almost (dying) in the course of a few hours,” she said.
NBC followed the same template laid out in The Houston Chronicle:- These things can happen to young people clear out of the blue.
- COVID itself can be the reason.
When young people without known risk factors for blood clots, like Ezarik, experience them, doctors run tests to understand why. After some exams and tests, doctors diagnosed Ezarik with thoracic outlet syndrome, a condition where the blood vessels or nerves between the collarbone and the top rib bone are compressed, according to Mayo Clinic. Blood clots in the upper body are a common symptom....
Various conditions, such as COVID-19 or an irregular heartbeat, can cause people to experience a blood clot, as can being immobile for an extended period, like on a long flight.
Again, we feel compelled to ask: Might there be something else you’re leaving out here? Ezarik’s prominence on social media made it easy to unroot her COVID vaccination status. In fact, being the “influencer” that she is, she personally promoted her jab regimen. Two doses of Moderna:Almost 8 hours post second vax shot and... pic.twitter.com/p08HzCH6GR
— iJustine (@ijustine) April 23, 2021
Dr. Hermann’s story was published by The Chronicle’s “ReNew Houston” section, which is dedicated to health and fitness. Ezarik’s tale was posted under Today’s “Health and Wellness” tag. The AHA, The Chronicle and NBC are all presenting themselves as professional entities dedicated to informing the general public about a rising threat of blood clots yet they are flagrantly ignoring a leading driver in the dramatic spike of such incidents today.
The AHA takes things even further by using its blood-clots report to urge people to get the jab:
A follow-up study is looking at the period from June 2021 onward, when the delta and omicron variants of the coronavirus became dominant and when many people had been vaccinated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends people stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccination for their age group to protect against serious illness, hospitalization and death.
Thus we have the highly disturbing spectacle of two major media outlets and a leading U.S. health organization deliberately refusing to provide Americans with the proper information on what they all describe as a burgeoning health issue that is only going to get worse. This is not disinformation. It is an intentional denial of information.
The implications are horrifying when one realizes that the progressive ruling establishment is keen to dominate the dispensing of health information to the citizenry today. The Brownstone Institute on Sept. 24 reported on a bill making its way through California’s state legislature:
Assembly Bill 2098 would empower the Medical Board of California to go after the licenses of physicians who disseminate “misinformation” or “disinformation” regarding Covid-19. The bill in its latest iteration defines misinformation as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.”
Think of the implications based on the examples cited above. If these dominant establishment forces have their way, in the near future accurately conveying information on serious threats to human health will be proscribed with scofflaws losing their ability to practice their profession.“I hate that this happened to me, but I’m so glad I have this platform to be able to let people know,” Ezarik said of her personal saga. “No one would ever think about blood clots until it happens to you.”
Just make sure you think the way they want you to. Even if it might kill you.
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