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Haitians in Springfield, Kenyans in Germany and the West's new serfdom

The Biden-Harris regime has shipped some 20,000 Haitian migrants to Springfield, an Ohio two with a population of 58,000.

Special to, September 30, 2024

Corporate WATCH

Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55

The dirty not-so-little secret behind the destruction of Springfield, Ohio by a wave of Haitian “migrants” is that the invasion is being fueled by big businesses thirsting for cheap, compliant labor that won’t complain about being forced to do dehumanizing work for small wages.

It’s a phenomenon occurring everywhere you care to look across the West. And the consequences are immense. The Great Replacement of Westerners is destroying the integrity of the workplace and ushering in a New Feudalism World Order.

“Springfield is having a resurgence in manufacturing and job creation. Some of that is thanks to the dramatic influx of Haitian migrants who have arrived in the city over the past three years to fill jobs,” Ohio establishment Republican Gov. Mike DeWine wrote in an op-ed for The New York Times on Sept. 20. “They are there legally. They are there to work,” DeWine asserted, deceptively glossing over the Biden administration’s grotesque abuse of “humanitarian parole” aspects of U.S. immigration law to bring a seemingly limitless mass of Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans into the American heartland.

No modern U.S. industry has been more immoral in the employment of slave labor in recent decades than the meatpacking and food processing trade. Employees are often illegal aliens, with children being utilized all too frequently. These desperate souls are recruited into the country by large corporations and exposed to enormously dangerous work involving sharp machinery and toxic chemicals. Death is a very real job hazard.

The Wall Street Journal on Sept. 23 highlighted the plight of Haitians “there to work” in this cruel environment. Welcome to the new serfdom here in the Land of the Free:

The supervisor, himself an immigrant from the African nation of Benin, set up others to stay in a five-bedroom, two-bathroom unit he had leased in a house in town. There, too, they slept on floors. At one point, 30 or more people were living there, workers said. When the power went out in the winter, they cooked in their coats. They were charged $60 a week in rent.

Some workers worried that if they complained, they would lose their jobs.

Similar slave-quarter housing detailed in the article had Haitians, whose island nation is a war-torn, corruption-plagued hellhole, ashamed to tell folks back home how hard they have it in America:

Some workers said they couldn’t bear to tell loved ones in Haiti about the conditions, and that the U.S. wasn’t supposed to be like this. “It was worse than being in jail,” said one.

This is the exceedingly ugly face of a Great Replacement that useful idiot progressives, who claim to care for the working class, refuse to acknowledge. It’s happening in Europe on a massive scale as well. The BBC reported Sept. 14:

Germany has agreed to open the doors to 250,000 skilled and semi-skilled Kenyan workers in a controlled and targeted labor migration deal.

What is the definition of skilled or “semi-skilled?” Apparently, it includes bus drivers. These two sentences are ludicrously written within a few paragraphs of each other:

Kenya is struggling with increasing difficulties in providing work and sufficient income for its young professionals, while Germany is facing a shortage of skilled labor....

Five Kenyan bus drivers have already been welcomed to Flensburg, in the north of Germany, in a pilot project.

German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle, which has noticeably ratcheted up the Orwellian dial on its propaganda “reporting” to full blast in recent years, gushed over the announcement but warned that it isn’t enough:

With an aging and shrinking workforce, experts say Germany needs about 400,000 skilled immigrants each year.

After all, who will drive the buses in Flensburg? The government of establishment Chancellor Olaf Scholz is taking a page out of the Biden handbook. Or is it just the playbook for controlled Western leaders? Want to cut down on illegal immigration? Let everyone in legally:

Despite Scholz's government trying to be seen to take a tough stance on illegal or unauthorized migration of late, following a recent knife attack in Solingen and successes for the anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in two eastern state elections, Scholz praised those coming to country using authorized channels.

"The basis of our prosperity is being open to the world," Scholz said.

It’s a tactic also employed by fake-populist Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Progressive ruling establishment media outlet Politico approvingly wrote in March:

Italy shows that right-wing leaders can be very open to and even actively stimulate knowledge and labor migration, despite their previous stances.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government last July announced legal migration plans that could allow 452,000 migrant workers to enter Italy over the next three years to plug gaps in the labor market; Italy’s population is set to decline sharply in the coming decades.

Skilled workers desperately needed? No, just more bus drivers driving down wages for native Italians. Reuters reported last December:

Madou Koulibaly is the new face of an old Italy.

The 24-year-old, who arrived in the country from Guinea in 2018, is blazing a trail as Tuscany's first migrant bus driver recruited as part of a drive to fill labor gaps with foreign workers. He was more surprised than anyone.

"I said, a bus? No, I cannot drive a bus," he recalled. "I have never seen an African drive a bus in Italy, especially an African who's arrived on a boat!"

Koulibaly is feeling the more welcoming front of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's contrasting immigration plans.

Some Italians understand what the two-faced Meloni government is really abetting:

Francesco Torselli, head of Meloni's Brothers of Italy party in the Tuscan regional assembly, had decried the recruitment of migrants like Koulibaly in Florence by regional transport company Autolinee Toscane as "nothing short of scandalous".

"Why raise drivers' salaries when you can hire immigrants and - perhaps - pay them even less?" he posted on Instagram when the scheme was launched in October last year. "Here is Autolinee Toscane's 'solution' to the problem of the lack of bus drivers in Tuscany... I'm shocked, what about you?"

As has documented, all of this has been years in the making. Migrants from the African Congo have poured into Maine over the past decade due in large part to the active support of big corporations. Locals’ all-too-real fears of Ebola took a backseat to business needs for cheap, pliable labor. We noted in 2019:

Corporate support for the importation of Third World refugees into the heart of America is also a hallmark of the Tent Partnership for Refugees, a group founded by Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of the Chobani yogurt brand. A “research” paper on the Tent Partnership’s website reveals just why companies are so eager to fuel refugee migration.

Tent joined with the Fiscal Policy Institute, a leftist New York advocacy group funded in part by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, to issue a 2018 report titled “Refugees as Employees: Good Retention, Strong Recruitment.” A thinly veiled attempt to justify the use of impoverished refugees as cheap labor, the report casually dismisses any threat to the job security of U.S. citizens.

“Refugee resettlement should hardly be seen as a concern for local workers seeking jobs, in fact in many instances they play an important role in helping local economies grow,” a sentence on page 13 of the 48-page .pdf file states. “Studies have consistently shown that immigrants in general help expand a local economy, and do not displace workers from job opportunities.”

The United Nations-affiliated International Organization for Migration also bluntly admits corporate interests help drive the mass movement of Third Worlders into the nations of the West. Here’s a dandy quote from IOM’s “Corporate Partnership” website page:

“Migration will be a way for the private sector to continue to innovate, to continue to spur economic development. Building partnerships is ultimately key to success.” – Amy E. Pope, IOM Director General

“Key partners” listed include Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. Here’s a quote from Apple, the company that cares:

“At Apple, people come first in everything we do. We have long been focused on advancing programs on labor and human rights, including the free movement of people in and out of our supply chain, without exception, everywhere we operate.

We’re proud to collaborate with IOM and to share these tools that can help businesses around the world accelerate progress in responsible labor recruitment in their own supply chains.”

It takes quite an amount of gall to tout Apple’s care for workers’ rights when the company is notorious for its ties to open slave labor in China. Tech news site The Information in 2021 revealed the company’s penchant for utilizing Uyghur forced labor along that much ballyhooed "free movement" supply chain.

“The Information and human rights groups have found seven companies supplying device components, coatings and assembly services to Apple that are linked to alleged forced labor involving Uyghurs and other oppressed monitories in China,” the report reads. “At least five of those companies received thousands of Uyghur and other minority workers at specific factory sites or subsidiaries that did work for Apple, the investigation found.”

Disgustingly, Apple, proud corporate partner of the United Nations’ human traffickers disguised as humanitarians, in 2020 aggressively lobbied against a bill in Congress aimed at pressuring China to stop using slave labor. DC establishment mouthpiece The Washington Post surprisingly reported:

[S]taffers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the talks with the company took place in private meetings, said Apple was one of many U.S. companies that oppose the bill as it’s written. They declined to disclose details on the specific provisions Apple was trying to knock down or change because they feared providing that knowledge would identify them to Apple. But they both characterized Apple’s effort as an attempt to water down the bill.

“What Apple would like is we all just sit and talk and not have any real consequences,” said Cathy Feingold, director of the international department for the AFL-CIO, which has supported the bill. “They’re shocked because it’s the first time where there could be some actual effective enforceability.”

Americans who may wish to think the new serfdom will only apply to desperate “migrants” are in for a rude awakening. The value and meaning of individual skill, craft, talent and labor are being diminished to a degree not seen in the United States since the worst outrages of the sweatshop days of the early 20th century. The inevitable consequences of this will affect us all. It’s one of the more vicious crimes being perpetrated by the Betrayal of the Elites. Americans are not just being replaced, they are being stripped of all the benefits of citizenship they once considered their birthright along the way.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... they detest the notion that little people can have these things. And they are coming for it all.

Action . . . . Intelligence . . . . Publish

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