Special to WorldTribune.com, May 31, 2021

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferThe ever-creepy Joe Biden White House has made a direct video appeal to young people to get the coronavirus vaccine.
But the awkward soft authoritarian tone of the administration only hints at the disturbing campaign being aimed at young Americans. In the name of “health,” a medical push is being made to separate kids from parental authority and shape their minds to embracing A System.
"Parental consent is something children have to contend with across the country," a May 23 NBC News article that reads as pure vaccine propaganda for teens blatantly states.
It’s no surprise that NBC would bang this drum. As we have reported, Cesar Conde, Chairman of NBCUniversal News Group, has long-standing ties to Bill Gates. While at Univision, Conde spearheaded the development of the “Es el Momento” national education initiative for Hispanic children with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Much of the big-box media “reporting” on the subject of kids and vaccination focuses on “normalization” appeals. Hey, kids, get the shot and everything goes back to the way it was before. A May 13 article in Scientific American reads (bold added throughout this column):
“It’s really important for kids to be vaccinated because we want them to go back to having normal childhoods — to be in school, to be able to ditch their masks and hang out with their friends,” [Karen Ernst, executive director of the national parent advocacy group Voices for Vaccines] says. She is preparing for the inevitable wave of misinformation that will come with the push to vaccinate children. But she thinks the best way to ensure good uptake is to make vaccines as accessible as possible, including by meeting parents where they are — geographically and mentally—and answering their questions without judgment.
A May 25 piece in National Geographic, written by the same freelance writer, Tara Haelle, is titled “Can teens get vaccinated if their parents object?” It quotes Hina Talib, “an associate professor of pediatrics and obstetrics-gynecology who specializes in adolescent medicine at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in New York City,” who states:
“Teens have really felt the emotional impact of this pandemic in ways that adults haven’t in terms of losing their touch points for normal development, whether it be school, internships, jobs, socialization with friends, and dating,” Talib says. “Their lives have been changed a lot, and this vaccine is bringing them one step closer to having a return of normalcy. It gives them safe opportunities to socialize and go through normal adolescent development in a way that the pandemic stunted.”
In both her articles, Haelle relies on a group called VaxTeen, which is just what the name implies. It’s mission? “Reversing the decline in vaccinations by encouraging teens and young adults to take responsibility for their own health,” the group declares on its website.
UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine is a partner of VaxTeen. Entertainment mogul Geffen has given hundreds of millions to the UCLA school of medicine that bears his name. A 2019 USA Today article reveals that:
Over the years Geffen, a founding member of the DreamWorks SKG film studio, has donated a total of more than $450 million to UCLA.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also lavishly funds Geffen School. In 2018, it gave $2.3 million to one program alone.
The Clinton Foundation is naturally involved as well. Here’s VaxTeen touting a May 6 “Panel on young adult vaccinations” with Chelsea Clinton. Vax Teen Founder Kelly Danielpour was a participant.
“Keep Up the Rates” is another listed "partner" of Vax Teen. It is a program of a group called the National Foundation For Infectious Diseases:
NFID has launched a national campaign to encourage all individuals to receive recommended vaccines that may have been delayed during the pandemic. The multi-media campaign engages national experts and leading public health organizations to reach populations most at risk of delaying vaccinations or experiencing complications from vaccine-preventable diseases.
NFID's listed "strategic partners" include several Big Pharma goliaths:
2021 Strategic Partners Platinum:
Janssen Therapeutics
Sanofi Pasteur
Merck & Co., Inc.
GSK Seqirus, Inc. USA
Bavarian Nordic Takeda Vaccines, Inc. VBI Vaccines, Inc.
So, ultimately, what we have here is Big Pharma encouraging kids to get vaccines with or without their parents' approval.
Hang on, though. Things get far more sinister.
Stronger.org is another VaxTeen partner. It folds vaccine acceptance into the social justice struggle:
Misinformation affects everyone – but it doesn’t affect them equally. That’s why Stronger is committed to supporting communities that are more likely to be targets of misinformation campaigns. The fight for truth is a fight against social injustice and systemic racism.
What is Stronger?
Our goal is to stop the spread of harmful misinformation about science, medicine, and vaccines by working with partner organizations and coalitions, sharing correct information, and arming people with ways to fight back. Join us. Together, we are Stronger.
Stronger’s listed "partners" include Google along with a host of other pro-vaccine organizations. That’s right, Google is part of a movement to convince pliable children that receiving an experimental vaccine is integral to advancing social “equity” in the world today.
But when it comes to attacking parental authority, one place seems to stand out above all others. The University of Michigan's Adolescent Health Initiative, part of the university’s “Michigan Medicine” medical center, sees parents as a barrier to what it wants to achieve with America’s coming-of-age kids.
VaxTeen has worked with AHI as well. A January 29 VaxTeen Facebook post boasts:
So excited that VaxTeen’s founder, Kelly Danielpour, will be presenting at the University of Michigan Adolescent Health Initiative’s annual conference!
A poster aimed at kids put out by AHI highlights the deliberate steps the group follows in creating a wedge between kids and their parents:
Age 11-12: "Know your health care rights"
Age 13-14: "Ask to spend time alone with your health care provider during your visit"
Age 15-16: Make your own appointments
A “Why It Matters” page on AHI’s website furthers the argument:
While adolescents value their caregivers involvement in their health care, they also express a desire to have private conversations with their health care providers. Health care providers must balance parent engagement with adolescent confidentiality.
The stated goal could not be spelled out more clearly: To make teenagers health "consumers" and to shape the values they come to hold:
Health care professionals can implement programs and practices to develop adolescents into knowledgeable and engaged health care consumers. Additionally, health care professionals can improve the quality of their care by centering the values and opinions of the young people they serve. The following resources can help you along the way.
Sexual health care is of course paramount as well in this “centering” process:
Discussing sexuality and sexual activity with young people provides an excellent opportunity to build trust, convey essential health information, and strengthen adolescents’ self-efficacy. Yet research shows that health care providers struggle to address this sensitive topic with their adolescent patients adequately. AHI offers an array of tools to help providers and health centers practice strengths-based sexual health care to adolescents.
This extensive, enormously funded campaign against parental rights is ratcheting up the pressure as the Big Push to vaccinate Americans kicks into high gear. One thing not being discussed by these groups so much is the health risks involved to adolescents getting the jab.
“At least 18 teens and young adults in Connecticut have shown symptoms of heart problems after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, acting health commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford said” on May 25, WVIT-TV in Hartford reported.
The network interviewed one mother of a teen who was hospitalized with heart problems after receiving the vaccine. Rachel Hatton described the plight of her 17-year-old son Gregory:
Doctors still couldn’t say if his condition was related to the COVID vaccine, but they called him back in for an MRI after two more patients presented with similar symptoms.
Hatton said Gregory is now out of work, on medication and hooked up to a heart monitor. Doctors plan to do another MRI in June to see if his condition improves.
“I don’t sleep because I’m constantly, if I hear my son sneeze or if he sounds like he’s out of breath when I call him on my break at work, I get nervous because I just don’t know what else could happen. He basically has a heart condition now and it’s terrifying,” said Hatton.
If the organizations identified above had their way, Rachel Hatton and all the other mothers in America would have absolutely no say in the vaccine decisions made by their children. Oh, there is lip service paid to “keeping parents involved,” but in the end the goal of idealizing children’s health “agency” is to replace the family unit as values-giver with a System that sees individual human beings as mere parts in a gigantic, impersonal machine.
Joe Schaeffer is the former Managing Editor of The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. His columns appear at WorldTribune.com and FreePressInternational.org.
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