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Kamala Harris and the Stalinist 'Great Replacement' of the American people

Kamala Harris with former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

Special to, September 10, 2024

Corporate WATCH

Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55

In recent weeks, we’ve detailed installed Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s Marxist upbringing [Editor's Note: Blocked by Facebook] and startlingly close ties to nation-destroying progressive globalist billionaire George Soros.

Now, let’s examine how both of these alarming red flags play out in her actual activities as (installed) vice president of the United States.

On July 26, B.L. Hahn at The Federalist authored a piece aptly titled “Kamala Harris’ ‘Equity’ Speak Is Code For Communism.” Hahn wrote:

Through “equity,” Harris believes everyone can “end up in the same place.” Communism distilled to its most fundamental principle is the pursuit of equality of outcome through central planning. Some might suggest I am putting words in Harris’ mouth, but that excuse is either obtuse or ignorant. Would Harris describe her belief system as communism? Of course not, but so what? The arbitrary and flattering labels people apply to themselves are meaningless. Your belief system is defined by its ideas.

But how do Harris’s powerful handlers behind the curtain utilize the innocuous-sounding word “equity” to foment revolution in the Western world?

One especially monstrous way is to use it to justify another trademark Communist practice that is perhaps the ugliest manifestation of that evil creed: The wholesale movement of peoples into and out of their homelands.

This Bolshevik trait thrived under the bloodiest Soviet leader of the 20th century, Joseph Stalin. Under his reign of terror, entire populations were transported into the Arctic and Siberian wastelands while other ethnicities were moved into their homelands. Termed "Populations Transfers" by Wikipedia, it was the Great Replacement, Part One.

Today, the West is buckling under the second phase of the internationalist Great Replacement. And while some may argue that it is not as bloody as the horrors of Stalinism, skyrocketing crime rates, unending social upheaval and the destruction of once-thriving communities provide a shuddering body count of their own. Kamala Harris is a faithful servant of this new Stalinism, cackling the word “equity” as she helps unleash a plague on the American people.

As documented in November 2021, Harris, while serving as VP, traveled to Paris to attend a Soros-backed international conference known as the Paris Peace Forum. But what did she actually say? Her address, and how events have played out during the Biden White House years, are frightening to contemplate. They amount to nothing less than a cataclysmic revolutionary cultural and social assault on the United States. Harris began:

Today, we stand together at the start of a new era in our world, inspired by the possibility of our shared future, united by the bold ambition of our shared ideals. And so, it is an honor to be here today, to join leaders from nations around the world in discussing one such ideal: equality.

To reach this ideal, we must acknowledge that inequality has always existed in our world. The gaps between the rich and poor, men and women, the Global North and South have existed throughout history.

Harris unequivocally asserts that it is the duty of a sovereign nation such as the United States to overcome inequality all over the world:

Globally, extreme poverty is on the rise, as is extreme wealth.

The progress we have made on gender equality is under threat. Experts suggest it will now take decades longer for women to achieve parity with men.... By virtually every measure, the gaps have grown.

She went even further, declaring the fight for global equality to be the signature cause of our time:

History is full of leaders – leaders in science, in politics, in business, in the arts, in education – leaders who refused to accept the status quo, who asked why, who took action. And because they did, they changed our world.

Well, today, we face a dramatic rise in inequality, and we must rise to meet this moment. I believe that we, as leaders, must ask why this inequality persists.

We all know that this is a pivotal moment in the history of our world.

This is the vision of the progressive ruling establishment. One-worldism under their elitist control. But you can’t say it like that. You must use terms like “addressing inequality” and “shared prosperity” for “our collective future”:

And so, in the 21st century, addressing inequality is a strategic imperative for each of us – for our security and our health, our shared prosperity and our collective future.

It's truly is the language of 20th century Soviet communism being harnessed by our 21st century corrupt oligarchs. And it goes far to explain the Biden administration’s devotion to open borders and its moves to transport millions of illegal alien “migrants” from the Global South, most prominently Central and South America, into the heartland of the United States. Mull over Harris’s 2021 words to her Soros internationalist gathering and then consider what the Biden administration is actively doing today:

The Biden administration has harnessed a limited-use “humanitarian parole” refugee program meant for catastrophic circumstances such as war to allow more than 400,000 migrants into the US through its Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan (CHNV) program. More than 50 airports are involved, illustrating the enormous scope of the operation....

“Roughly half of those flown into the country, 200,000, entered in the first eight months of the program’s implementation from January 2023 through August 2023, according to the data,” The Center Square reported May 1. “By mid-October 2023, there were 1.6 million inadmissible aliens waiting for travel authorizations through the CHNV program, according to the data. None of the Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans waiting for travel authorizations have a legal basis to enter the US before being paroled through the CHNV program, the documents acknowledge.”

Absent the mass killings under Bolshevism but including the widespread murder, rape, drug and human trafficking, gang activity and other criminal outrages under massive unchecked illegal immigration, the question deserves to be asked: How different is this enormous shuffling of peoples under Biden from the Soviet Union of the 1930s and '40s?

One of Kamala Harris’s top campaign advisers is a confirmed revolutionary who has stated that massive immigration from the Third World into the U.S. can spur radical social change. Keisha Lance Bottoms is the former mayor of Atlanta. Today, she serves as a “Senior Advisor to the Harris-Walz Campaign.” ABC News gave Bottoms the splashy feature interview treatment during last month's Democratic National Convention.

Way back in 2019, warned that Soros was weaponizing mass migration into American cities to destroy the traditional U.S. nation state. Events over the following five years have confirmed the truth of this to a startling degree. Mighty cities like Boston, Chicago, Denver and New York are facing bankruptcy and total collapse due to the “migrant” burden. As a black female mayor of a major American city, Bottoms was seen as a rising star at the time to Soros and his associates. At the 2018 Concordia Summit, a globalist gathering that runs alongside the United Nations General Assembly every September, she was a featured speaker on a very special panel:

On page 43 of the group’s 2018 summit report can be found a summation of an astonishing panel titled “Cities & the Private Sector Take the Lead for Refugees & Migrants.”

Patrick Gaspard, president of progressive globalist billionaire Soros’s Open Society Foundations, personally served as a featured member of this program. The panel “laid the foundation for Open Society Foundations‘ co-hosted strategic dialogues focused on refugee sponsorship, private sector investment and advocacy, and city-level policies designed to improve human migration,” the report states.

Bottoms declared at this event:

“As we spoke this morning there is a quote from one of my favorite writers Audre Lord that kept playing in my mind, and it was that revolution is not a one-time event.

And I think of that often, especially in the work that we are doing throughout our various cities in ways that may seem to be small in scale but really are a part of a larger conversation and a larger revolution, if you will, as it relates to how we address our issues of immigration and migration.”

This woman today is a high-ranking member of Kamala Harris's presidential campaign.

How can anybody see any of this as mere happening and not total orchestration? A coordinated global-scale plan has been unleashed on the United States. It uses seemingly benign communist phrasing such as “equality” to disguise its malevolent assault on traditional American norms. We know who is funding it, and we know the politicians they control.

One of them has just been appointed presidential nominee for one of the two dominant political parties in the United States today.

The revolution to overthrow the American constitutional republic is not some mythical dragon that may rear its head in the future. It is happening now, right under the eyes of a people who still regard themselves as “free.”

Action . . . . Intelligence . . . . Publish

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