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Kamala Harris to address her masters: Meet a ruling elite who would repurpose humanity

Former President Barack Obama accepts award onstage from Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights President Kerry Kennedy during the 2019 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple Of Hope Awards on Dec. 12, 2018 in New York City
Special to WorldTribune, October 11, 2021

Analysis by
Joe Schaeffer

They are attacking parents and having American workers fired in droves for not obeying them.

With each passing day, the Biden administration’s shocking authoritarian overreach drives home the point that a grand, sweeping agenda has been unleashed upon this nation. It is not hidden; its adherents have told us what it is. One simply needs to possess eyes willing to see.

The final goal is overthrowing God’s Natural Law and setting up a new vision of human rights and humanity itself that is to be defined by a ruling elite.

These are not our words, but theirs. And the roster of big names that can be connected to those seeking to establish this radical transformation of the very definition of personhood is astounding.

News item: Oct. 7 release: Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization announces Vice President Kamala Harris to Give Keynote Address at 2021 Ripple of Hope Award Ceremony.

Shouldn't she have better things to do?

Actually, no. This is the do-nothing Biden border czar’s real job: To cater to the powerful forces behind the curtain that have artificially installed her in her exalted position. The Biden administration doesn't know the American people; it doesn't interact with the American people. This is the world it inhabits.

RFK Human Rights is a hard leftist organization that calls for an end to “mass incarceration,” promotes "racial justice" and in short pushes all the usual Cultural leftist buzzwords. Kerry Kennedy, third daughter of Robert F. Kennedy and ex-wife of disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, serves as president.

Under its Leadership Council listing is a category "Visionaries."

The first face featured is that of Alex Gorsky, CEO of coronavirus vaccine manufacturer Johnson & Johnson. The “Ripple of Hope” ceremony Harris will be appearing at is the height of progressive establishment in-group back-scratching.

Georgia Democrat ballot-harvesting superstar Stacey Abrams is among those being honored in 2021. Previous "Ripple of Hope" laureates include Marxist activist and long washed-up actor Harry Belafonte.

  But the list goes on:
  • Joe Biden
  • Bono
  • Hillary Clinton
  • George Clooney
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Anthony Fauci
  • Colin Kaepernick
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Barack Obama
  • Taylor Swift.
Last year Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights announced eight new Board Members, providing even more insight into what is a decidedly cozy elitist nest. Among those added were executives from two of the four major sports professional leagues (NFL and NHL) and higher-ups from JP Morgan Chase, NYSE and the AFL-CIO.

And this woman:

Sushma Raman, executive director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, brings a rich and diverse background in philanthropy, human rights, and social justice through her work in the U.S. and globally with the Ford Foundation and the Open Society Foundations, as well as her experience leading human rights programs, philanthropic collaboratives, and social justice foundations.

Raman is co-author of a 2020 book titled "The Coming Good Society: Why New Realities Demand New Rights." The title says it all. The book frighteningly shows just what these elites have in mind for us all: the eradication of our previously held God-given individual human rights.

And Raman is no outlier crank. The former Soros staffer’s co-author is a former head of the American branch of one of the most powerful international NGOs on the planet:
William F. Schulz, a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy and a former President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, was the Executive Director of Amnesty International USA from 1994 to 2006.

From a Harvard University Press synopsis (bold added):
A rights revolution is under way. Today the range of nonhuman entities thought to deserve rights is exploding — not just animals but ecosystems and even robots. Changes in norms and circumstances require the expansion of rights: What new rights, for example, are needed if we understand gender to be nonbinary? Does living in a corrupt state violate our rights? And emerging technologies demand that we think about old rights in new ways: When biotechnology is used to change genetic code, whose rights might be violated? What rights, if any, protect our privacy from the intrusions of sophisticated surveillance techniques?

Drawing on their vast experience as human rights advocates, William Schulz and Sushma Raman challenge us to think hard about how rights evolve with changing circumstances, and what rights will look like ten, twenty, or fifty years from now. Against those who hold that rights are static and immutable, Schulz and Raman argue that rights must adapt to new realities or risk being consigned to irrelevance. To preserve and promote the good society — one that protects its members’ dignity and fosters an environment in which people will want to live — we must at times rethink the meanings of familiar rights and consider the introduction of entirely new rights.

A review published by The Humanist magazine, an official publication of the American Humanist Association, cuts to the chase:
As to a definition of rights, they address the philosophical question: “Are rights something that humans and other entities have or something we and they are given?” By coming down firmly on the side of rights being an evolutionary process rather than coming from a god or even natural law, the authors quickly and convincingly argue that human beings construct the rights they have. “Rights are rights because the international community has recognized them to be integral to the common good, to a good society. Deny them if you like, but if you do, you will be flying in the face of significant worldwide consensus.” This approach squares with the history of changes in our understanding of rights and with how the evolution of rights has really worked. “Those changes did not come about through a sudden realization that God or natural law required them. They came about because of changing consensus and changing norms, often over centuries.”
William Schulz was named “Humanist of the Year” in 2000 by the American Humanist Association. Anthony Fauci was given the honor in 2021, and warmly accepted (see our next Corporate Watch on Oct. 13 for more on this).

This is everything the current battle raging in America is about, and all you need to know about who is driving the tyrannical Biden administration bus. Kamala Harris lives in and serves this world.

When Biden officials babble about “the common good,” this is what they really mean: Individuals have no inherent value; they are merely matter.

This is scientific materialism taken to its logical extreme. The coronavirus vaccine mandates are its most public manifestation at the moment. But it will not stop there.

INFORMATION WORLD WAR: How We Win . . . . Executive Intelligence Brief

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