Special to WorldTribune.com, May 10, 2021

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferDid the shocking 2015 Planned Parenthood baby parts-selling scandal destroy this monstrously evil industry that utilizes human beings as nothing more than material?
Not remotely.
As the medical establishment rides high in this country and around the world due to the sweeping new powers it has accrued due to the coronavirus panic, the harvesting of murdered babies for medical research is enjoying a resurgence. Installing Joe Biden in the White House should guarantee that the momentum will continue.
LifeNews reported on May 6:
White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci’s federal agency gave more than $400,000 to support a grisly experiment that involved scalping second-trimester aborted babies and then implanting their skins onto rodents.
The disturbing taxpayer-funded project received renewed attention this week at a Pennsylvania House hearing where experts testified about the experiment and other research with aborted baby parts at the University of Pittsburgh.
Fauci has long supported the use of fetal tissue in medical research, dating back to his high-profile days fighting AIDS in the 1980s. A 1988 New York Times article reports on the “exciting” and “incredible” efforts being made to humanize mice, a process that relies on body parts from aborted babies to such a degree that its use has been described as the “gold standard” for such research by officials at the National Institutes For Health.
The 1988 Times’ piece shows the beginnings of this development. Right there as a leading light: America’s Coronavirus Doctor, Anthony Fauci:
The scientists at Stanford injected the mice with small amounts of fetal liver and lymphatic tissue as well as fetal thymus and spleen; all of them tissues vital to formation of blood and immune defenses. The tissues were obtained after abortion with the consent of the women involved. The use was approved by Stanford panels that regulate human and animal research....
The scientists at Stanford received support from the National Institutes of Health for the mouse research....
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in Bethesda, Md. said the research by both groups was important. Dr. Fauci, an expert on both immunology and AIDS, described the experiments as "very exciting work" that "has major potential for being able to establish a small-animal model of the human immune system."
Last year, Fauci spoke at the 2020 International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Conference. This is the same annual gathering that was featured prominently in one of the 2015 PP undercover videos made by Davide Daleiden at the Center for Medical Progress.
Fauci gave the opening address for ISSCR’s “COVID-19 Special Session” at the 2020 conference, which was held virtually.
The ninth video in the Daleiden’s 2015 series shows the undercover reporter speaking with Perrin Larton, procurement manager of Advanced Bioscience Resources, the company Planned Parenthood utilized to ship out its fresh aborted baby specimens, at an ISSCR convention.
Repulsively, Advanced Bioscience Resources had a vendor booth at ISSCR annual meetings to tout its goods. An ISSCR program for its 2011 meeting lists the group among its “Exhibitors.”
From page 41 of the 2011 program pdf:
“Advanced Bioscience Resources procures and distributes human fetal Tissue, full term umbilical cord blood, and adult peripheral blood for research.”
How lovely. Baby body part offerings on display at a convention just like a new brand of hammer would be promoted at a hardware convention.
Which brings us to Cate Dyer.
Dyer was an ABR staffer who Daleiden reports stole the company's customer list and went into business for herself, starting a business called StemExpress.
Interestingly, Dyer's older sister Charlotte Ivancic was the health policy director for former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner.
Ivancic now works for powerhouse K Street health care lobbying firm Tarplin, Downs & Young, LLC.
According to the website Open Secrets, COVID vaccine producers AstraZeneca and Pfizer, along with leading vax firm Merck, all retained Tarplin in 2018 for fees totaling over $200,000 each for that year alone.
Dyer became a major focus of controversy as the PP scandal exploded in 2015. As the Washington Examiner noted in its report on Ivancic:
In a fourth undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress... StemExpress executives admit that "they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory" from the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics that supply them, according to the video maker, which could be prima facie evidence of a crime.
Whoa. Surely, this heinous affair must have proven devastating to Dyer’s career. Think again.
Fast forward to 2021, and Cate Dyer has just been named "Businesswoman of the Year" by the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce.
Not to be outdone, The Sacramento Business Journal has honored her as one of its 2021 Most Admired CEOS. Sam Boykin, Managing Editor, wrote a puff-piece profile on her, in which she is asked a question that allows her to ruminate on her spiritual side:
How have you maintained your well-being during the pandemic: My spiritual and physical well-being remains strong by keeping up on regular exercise, meditation and making time to get out into nature. All of us at StemExpress understand that to grow our testing capabilities and continue our support of stem cell research, cellular therapies and finding cures for diseases, we have to be our best and to do so we have to stay strong.
The Sacramento Business Journal is owned by Advance Publications, which produces numerous big-brand media publications, including the especially vile Teen Vogue magazine that is aimed at youngsters, via its Conde Naste branch.
A second fawning article in the Sacramento Business Journal details how things are going for Dyer these days. Her business is booming (bold added):
Pam Marrone "sits on the StemExpress board. Although the company declined to provide exact figures, Marrone said StemExpress’ growth has been rapid, with revenues tripling over the last three years.... Despite the new focus on Covid-19 testing, Marrone said, StemExpress’ core business of cell products has kept growing.
“(Dyer) thrives in chaos,” Marrone said. “The best entrepreneurs do.”
Sadly, Dyer is also on the Executive Leadership Team of the American Heart Association, her LinkedIn bio states. Has been since 2016, just one year after the sickening details of her activities in the baby tissue trade horrified Americans throughout the nation.
It should be clear what is happening here. The mainstream establishment seal of approval is being affixed to Dyer’s bloody business blouse.
As we’ve repeatedly noted, major entertainment vehicles have a key role to play in this.
In February, the NBA's Sacramento Kings announced that they have partnered with StemExpress – a company that trafficked in murdered babies – to have it "serve as the team’s official local COVID-19 testing provider."
“StemExpress’ testing services were essential to the team’s preparations for the NBA restart in Orlando and again as we prepared to begin the season. We are pleased to continue to partner with them to add fast, locally-based testing to our in-season protocol to decrease the spread of COVID-19,” Kings Vice President of Athlete Health & Performance Teena Murray said in a statement.
We've reported that the NBA has a commissioner who sits on the Board of Trustees at the Rockefeller Foundation, a 20th Century population control pioneer, and a Chief Marketing Officer who is a secretary of the national board for Planned Parenthood Action Fund. And now the league is getting in bed with StemExpress.
Here is who the Sacramento Kings are partnering with. David Daleiden is being treated as a criminal by the state of California for daring to perform bold and outstanding acts of undercover journalism exposing Planned Parenthood. From a LifeNews account of the 2019 Daleiden trial testimony of Cate Dyer (Doe 12):
On Friday, witness Doe 12 also testified. According to CMP, she worked as a tissue procurement technician for another company, Advanced Bioscience Resources, before founding StemExpress. Both companies worked with Planned Parenthood to harvest baby body parts and distribute them to researchers.
“In her sworn testimony, Doe 12 admitted that when a fetal brain is able to be harvested, it is because the baby’s head may still be attached to the body after being pulled out of the womb,” according to the report. “When confronted with her statements on [the] undercover video about shipping ‘intact cases,’ she also did not deny that StemExpress harvests and transfers unborn children from completely intact abortions.”
Demonic enterprises are being promoted by our nation's media publications, business roundtables and major entertainment outlets. Evil has been exposed and not only is it not being condemned, it is being elevated. This nation will reap a bitter harvest from what it is sowing today.
Joe Schaeffer is the former Managing Editor of The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. His columns appear at WorldTribune.com and FreePressInternational.org.
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