"People working from home can feel safe to begin to return to the office," Joe Biden said during his State of the Union speech on March 1.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn't seem to think much of Joe's advice. The California Democrat announced on Friday that House members could continue to work from home and vote remotely until June 28.
On June 28, Pelosi said, she'll consider another extension.
"Pelosi, who is best known for violating COVID restrictions to get her hair done at a fancy salon and flaunting her $24,000 freezer stocked with $12 pints of luxury ice cream as ordinary Americans struggled to make ends meet, previously extended the remote working period on March 28, four weeks after Biden's remarks," the Washington Free Beacon's Andrew Stiles noted.
As of March 18, "many Democrat offices on Capitol Hill and throughout the country remained closed," the Free Beacon reported.
In April, the Free Beacon reported that "Senate cafeteria workers were at risk of losing their jobs because so many Democrats refused to show up to work."
Unlike Pelosi's colleagues in the House, senators are still required to vote in person.
When Pelosi's colleagues actually do return to D.C., they will have some nifty new perks awaiting them, courtesy of the House's Democrat leadership. House members will now get fully paid memberships to Peloton gyms as well as a brand new liquor and drinks outlet.
The Democrat leadership said in announcing the new place ("House Drinks storefront" in the Rayburn House Office Building) for members to get liquored up: "Whether you're hosting a meeting or an office event or just want to stock up on your favorite drinks, House Drinks sells water, soda, juice, alcohol and spirits. Six, twelve and 24-packs are available depending on the drink."
"Washington Dems couldn't be more out of touch," Georgia Republican Rep. Drew Ferguson tweeted. "Americans can't afford to buy groceries or put gas in their cars, and Nancy Pelosi decides now is a good time to open a congressional liquor store on Capitol Hill."
That's right, in Pelosi's House members can now get blitzed and take a ride on a stationary bike, or vice versa, all on the taxpayers' dime.
Tennessee Republican House candidate Robby Starbuck tweeted: "Moms and Dads are going to 8 stores looking for baby formula while paying for gas they can barely afford but at least the Democrats are using our tax dollars to do Peloton. Disgusting."
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