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Report: Also coming through Joe Biden's open border ... infectious diseases

by WorldTribune Staff, February 25, 2024

Migrants who come from all over the globe to attempt to illegally enter the United States are also bringing with them a plethora of infectious diseases, a report said.

With busloads and planeloads of illegals arriving in cities all over America, and an almost non-existent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) vetting process, "it is no wonder" there have been spikes in Tuberculosis, Measles, and other infectious diseases in major urban areas, UncoverDC noted in a Feb. 16 report.

A 2023 articles by AMAC noted that more than 50,000 illegals migrated to New York City alone in 2022 "with high rates of TB" in the population. "TB spreads through the air, like flu or a cold. Stand next to someone with TB for a long subway ride or sit next to them every day at school, and you can catch it."

New York City's TB rate, at 6.1 cases per 100,000, is more than double the national rate. Close to 9 out of 10 (88%) of these TB cases are people born outside the United States.

"Every neighborhood in the city has had at least one case. Open borders import disease," the AMAC article said.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has identified the diseases that migrants are bringing to the border. They include HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, congenital syphilis, hepatitis A and B, and bacterial enteric diseases (e.g., listeriosis, non-typhoid Salmonellosis, vibriosis)."

The CDC has stated there is a need to "monitor, control, and prevent the occurrence and spread of about 120 health conditions."

Dr. Tom McGinn, an epidemiologist, and DHS whistleblower, told UncoverDC that "DHS has no protocols in place to randomly sample all a portion of all persons coming across the border for all the potential diseases that these persons might have. They are placed in a vector-rich environment with poor circulation and ten times too many people inside at many of these detention centers, with plastic drapes that trap viruses. These same people are being immediately put on buses and airplanes to further increase the spread of disease before being dropped off in most towns and major urban centers across our country. There is no effort to inform counties or cities what are the health challenges they are facing, and no requirement, like are required of Green Card applicants who are living in the same areas across the country as are the 10s of millions coming into our country across our southern border."

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows how few illegals cross at the ports of entry. "In other words, millions have disappeared without a trace into the interior states and cities," UncoverDC noted.

Record-breaking numbers of people affected by dengue fever are showing up in Peru. Outbreaks of Monkey Fever (the same family as Yellow Fever and Dengue are causing brain damage, vomiting, and bleeding in growing numbers of people in India. Leishmaniasis and measles are common in Turkey due to the influx of Syrian refugees. Nature published a study in late 2021 showing 40 notifiable infectious diseases common in mainland China. Notable among them are "gastrointestinal or enteroviral diseases, followed by respiratory diseases, sexually transmitted or blood-borne diseases, and vector-borne or zoonotic diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases are common in most migrant populations.

Citizens from all of those countries are arriving at the U.S. southern border in record numbers.

UncoverDC noted: "Now, let's talk about how illegals are getting in. In many cases, they are being paroled, meaning they are pre-approved as eligible and will receive many of the same rights and benefits as an American citizen upon arrival. Thanks to the Biden administration and Obama before him, Asylum laws have been expanded beyond their original intent. There really is no such thing as "credible threat" claims as initially defined. Therefore, the United States is now a magnet for all, and the tests for credible threats to one's safety are no longer robust. Moreover, NGOs stand by with free attorneys to teach illegal aliens what to say to our Border Patrol.

" is an unmistakable fact that this administration has participated in the most egregious dismantling of the policies and laws that would protect Americans from threats at the border. Bad actors, lethal drugs like Fentanyl, human trafficking, crime, child trafficking, and disease are being all but formally invited to invade communities both at the border and in the interior. The devastating effects of this open invitation cannot be understated."

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