Special to WorldTribune.com, June 21, 2021

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferAs all the various ways that installed president Joe Biden’s administration is methodically going about destroying America continue unabated, and as Biden with each passing day seems less aware of what is happening around him, it’s far past time to ask who is really making the decisions inside the White House.
A surefire way to get on the right track is to connect the dots and track the networks that have direct access to and/or control over leading departments in the executive branch.
Item: Is Secretary of State Antony Blinken actively doing George Soros's work? From The Washington Times, June 7 (bold added throughout this column):
“For many, this seemingly came out of nowhere,” Rep. Lee Zeldin said about Mr. Blinken‘s announcement last month that [Albanian Prime Minister Sali] Berisha, his wife and their two adult children have been barred from entering the U.S. because of the former prime minister’s “involvement in significant corruption.”
At the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Mr. Blinken defended the action, but stopped short of offering evidence to back up the allegation against Mr. Berisha, who has made international headlines by claiming the secretary of state’s move against him was based on “misinformation” from outfits backed by billionaire liberal activist George Soros.
Mr. Zeldin sought to get to the bottom of that claim. “Have you or anyone on your behalf had any communication with Mr. Soros or anyone on his behalf?” the New York Republican asked Mr. Blinken. “Just trying to clarify what’s true and what’s not true.”
“I have not,” the secretary of state responded. “I can’t speak to the entire State Department. But I have not.”
From a statement by Rep. Zelden’s office:
Congressman Zeldin specifically pressed Secretary Blinken to provide specific information that details allegations of corruption and justifies the State Department’s drastic move to sanction Berisha. “You recently announced sanctions on the former president of Albania, Sali Barisha. For many, this seemingly came out of nowhere… He was a guest and ally of the Bushes. He was also known to be an aggressive opponent of George Soros. What specific information can you share with the committee at this time to justify this dramatic move,” asked Congressman Zeldin.
Did you know that Antony Blinken's father Donald Blinken has extensive and very intimate Soros ties? From The Jerusalem Post, Nov. 24:
There is an archive at George Soros’ Central European University in Hungary named for Donald Blinken, now 95, and his second wife, Vera, who survived the Holocaust, in part for their support of the “democratization process in the United States and in Hungary.”
The archive is actually named the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives. Donald Blinken is mentioned in Soros’s Open Society Foundations’ 2005 Annual Report as a Board of Trustees member (right alongside George Soros himself) for the progressive globalist billionaire’s Central European University, which Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has labored to shut down as an institution seeking to destroy Hungary.
See page 191 of the linked pdf to the 2005 report.
From the OSA website:
With his prior experience as Chairman of the Board of the State University of New York, during his tenure as Ambassador in Hungary, Donald Blinken provided crucial help and support to the Central European University in the early years of its existence.
In 1998, he was named Chancellor of the International Council of Central European University and subsequently became a member of its Board of Trustees. He serves as one of the Emeritus Trustees of CEU.
A 2015 post at the CEU website notes that:
CEU's Open Society Archives (OSA) was renamed the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at a Nov. 3 dedication event in honor of the couple, who have provided a major bequest to sustain the institution. Their gift will create a permanent endowed fund, which will allow the Archives to expand its critical work in preserving one of the world's most valuable archival collections related to the Cold War, human rights movements and grave international human rights violations.
Donald and Vera Blinken wrote a 2009 book titled “Vera and the Ambassador.”
It was praised by Soros and Biden, among other interesting individuals:
“President Clinton made a wise choice in sending Donald and Vera Blinken to Hungary. This book serves as a reminder of the critical role that ambassadors can play in advancing the interests of our country at the pivot points of history. Their teamwork was good for Hungary, good for our country, and it also makes for a great story.” — Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. “…provides honest insight into the role an ambassador and his spouse played in an emerging democracy.” — George Soros
"Vera and Donald Blinken are the ultimate power couple,” ABC News “20/20” Correspondent Lynn Sherr gushed. She should know. Donald Blinken, Antony Blinken and Lynn Sherr are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Soros was a constant thread in Blinken’s life for decades. From a 2000 New York Times report:
On Thursday, he watched the chief United States representative to the United Nations, RICHARD C. HOLBROOKE, present an award to DONALD BLINKEN, who was the United States ambassador to the Republic of Hungary from 1994 to 1998. Mr. Holbrooke mentioned the financier GEORGE SOROS (who was in the audience), saying: ''George Soros has done more for Hungary than any other American. At least that's my view, and I think it's George's view as well.'' Laughs. ''I'm sure I'm going to pay for that. I'd rather George pay for it.''
If you haven’t heard about all this, it is because a deliberate all-out big-box media framing after the Nov. 3 election promoted Blinken as the stepson of a family that cruelly suffered during the Holocaust. In fact, while Samuel Pisar did help raise Blinken after marrying his divorced mother, Soros crony Donald Blinken continued to play a pivotal role in his son’s upbringing.
A 2013 profile of Antony Blinken for The Washington Post quotes Pisar as saying “that he was careful never to try to supplant Blinken as the boy's father.” The article details numerous instances where Donald Blinken was on hand for key moments in Antony’s development:
The Blinkens divorced in 1970, and Judith married Pisar the following year and relocated to France with Antony. “I was concerned how he would take to being shipped abroad so suddenly to live in a strange city with a different language and his parents divorced,” said Donald. “And it could have worked out very badly. But, happily, both his mother and I were supportive of him all along, and he never blinked.”
As scion of the powerfully connected Donald Blinken, young Antony was able to coast into Harvard, intern at the New Republic magazine, organize a film festival and host a gathering for filmmaker Spike Lee.
You know, things every college kid gets to do. “Everyone age 21 wants to make films,” said Donald Blinken, the Post article states, adding that he and his mother hoped that their son “would go on to law school.” He did. Antony “also became active in Democratic politics, helping his father raise money for Michael Dukakis’s 1988 presidential run,” the Post reported.
And when Bill Clinton became president in 1993, the paper notes, it “was a banner time for the Blinken men”:
Clinton appointed Tony’s uncle, Alan, as ambassador to Belgium and then named his father ambassador to Hungary, where he helped the government in compensating Holocaust survivors. Around that time, White House speechwriter Robert Boorstin lured Tony Blinken to the National Security Council staff, where Blinken eventually became the president’s chief foreign policy speechwriter.
In short, Antony Blinken’s rise is wholly tied to his father’s prominence. This same prominent father who is so close to George Soros that Soros’s nefarious activities in Hungary apparently would not have been possible without him.
And now a sitting U.S. congressman strongly suspects that Antony Blinken is using his role as secretary of State to go after the enemies of George Soros. Connect the dots, follow the networks and you will soon discover who is pulling befuddled Joe Biden’s puppet strings.
Joe Schaeffer is the former Managing Editor of The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. His columns appear at WorldTribune.com and FreePressInternational.org.
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