Special to WorldTribune.com, May 25, 2023

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe SchaefferIn the poisonous grab bag that makes up his civilization-destroying agenda, there appears to be a very specific issue near and dear to the black heart of globalist billionaire George Soros as he continues to purchase district attorneys throughout the U.S.
On May 16, leftist Allegheny County chief public defender Matt Dugan won the Democrat primary to be DA. Allegheny County includes Pittsburgh. Matt Dugan is a Soros Man. “Soros is the sole contributor to an outside political group financing most of Democrat Matt Dugan’s run for Allegheny County district attorney, a new financial filing shows,” The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported May 9.
As befits a Soros puppet, Dugan espouses the cultural Marxist language of “criminal justice reform” in all the usual ways. An April article at hard-left online magazine Bolts states:
[Dugan] declines to speak in “absolutes,” saying he would never rule out prosecution of any offense – though he says he doesn’t see himself ever prosecuting certain behaviors, particularly sex work and drug possession. He believes cash bail is unfair and unethical, but he said he’d still seek it in some cases.
Dugan is basically pledging that as District Attorney for Pennsylvania’s second-largest city he will not pursue criminal charges against prostitution. He actually has no choice in the matter. His “sole” benefactor George Soros is bound and determined to end all laws against “sex work.” An astonishing new report crafted by Soros’s Open Society Foundations in conjunction with Yale University and a radical leftist group shows how committed he is to this very specific agenda.The report makes clear that this “decarceration” policy should also apply to the sex traffickers – aka “pimps” – who dominate the illicit industry.
An April 14 post on the Yale Law School website is bluntly titled “Handbook Helps Navigate Non-Prosecution Policies for Sex Work.” It is, indeed, meant to be a blueprint for prosecutors to follow:
“The Yale Global Health Justice Partnership (GHJP) and the Sex Workers Project (SWP) of the Urban Justice Center have jointly released a handbook on district attorneys’ policies of non-prosecution of sex work-related charges.... The handbook describes how, by following its recommendations, advocates and DAs can work to protect and promote sex workers’ rights and health and to mitigate the harms of the criminal law to the greatest extent possible while sex work is criminalized.
Soros’s dirty hands are all over this:The handbook is one product of the long-standing collaboration between SWP and GHJP. This collaboration is supported by the Gruber Project for Global Justice and Women's Rights and the Open Society Foundations.
Yale’s role appears to be especially pernicious:The Global Health Justice Partnership (GHJP), an initiative of the Yale Law School and Yale School of Public Health, was established in 2012 to promote interdisciplinary, innovative, and effective responses to key problems in health justice.... It also organizes conferences and events; builds partnerships with local NGOs and social movements in New Haven, the U.S. and around the world to move research and critical analyses into action; and nurtures a truly interdisciplinary brain trust dedicated to effecting social change.
The Urban Justice Center, operators of the Sex Workers Project, is awash in prominent brand-name corporate donors. Among the companies that give money to encourage the decriminalization of prostitution across the board are Bank of America, the Coca Cola Foundation, Estee Lauder, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Securities, Nike and UBS.“Former employees of the center include U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), who worked as a UJC staff attorney early in his career,” watchdog website Influence Watch states. The handbook itself is remarkably blunt about what UJC advocates for:
The Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center (SWP) is a national organization based in the U.S. that defends the human rights of sex workers by destigmatizing and decriminalizing people in the sex trades through free legal services, education, research, and policy advocacy.
SWP aims to create a sexually liberated world where all workers have the autonomy and power to fully enjoy their human rights.
Page 4 of the pdf for the handbook elaborates what it takes to be a Soros-bought DA in America today:In recent years, candidates for District Attorney (DA) and elected DAs across the country have announced their commitment to not prosecute some sex work-related charges, among others, according to formal non-prosecution policies. These DAs, often identified with a broader “progressive prosecutor” movement, adopt such policies with varied levels of consultation and input from sex worker rights’ groups, despite years of community organizing by those groups in support of sex workers’ rights. More recent DA non-prosecution polices have been informed by growing support for the full decriminalization of sex work.
The all-encompassing defense of prostitution is quite brazen. Page 27 of the pdf contains the subheading, “Decline Prosecution of ‘Quality-of-Life’ and Other Offenses that Engage Sex Workers.” The last sentence, which we have highlighted in bold, denounces the zealous pursuit of sex traffickers:Non-prosecution policies also vary in the offenses covered, with some including only sex work-specific offenses related to buying and selling sex, and others also including laws against vagrancy, obscenity, drug use, and other “quality-of-life” offenses.
Declining to prosecute sex work-specific offenses is important, due to the impact of these crimes on housing, employment, education, and immigration. But non-prosecution policies are limited if they do not include the other crimes commonly used to harass, arrest, charge, and prosecute sex workers. These other offenses target public space and those in street economies, including street-based sex workers, and facilitate class-based discrimination against poor people, racism, and gender-based discrimination, including against trans and gender non-conforming people.
Policies are also limited if they do not explicitly include non-prosecution for unlicensed massage. Law enforcement have frequently used unlicensed massage as the rationale for their interventions, including raids which rarely identify trafficking victims, while disproportionately impacting migrant Asian communities, and often resulting in immigration-related charges.
Policies are also limited if they ignore how trafficking arrests and charges have been, and continue to be, indiscriminately used to target sex workers’ friends and colleagues, sex workers working together, and workers in massage businesses.
More evidence of the handbook’s desire to soft-pedal sex trafficking can be found two pages later. Page 29 explains “The Decriminalization Model”:Full decriminalization is the complete removal of criminal laws prohibiting sex work. It lifts penalties for sex work (i.e., soliciting / selling sex or “prostitution”), as well as for related activities, such as loitering, and other ‘quality-of-life’ offenses often applied against street-based sex workers. It also removes penalties for clients (e.g., patronizing a prostitute) and ‘third party’ activities including promotion, management, security, transportation, and organizing (criminalized under offenses such as “promoting prostitution.”)
Any adult with a shred of common sense realizes that the “managers,” "security" muscle, "transporters" and “organizers” of prostitution – why is the word pimp not simply employed here? – are sex traffickers. Yet the handbook lamely claims that “[t]his means that trafficking (i.e., selling sex induced by force, fraud or coercion, or by an individual under 18 years old), violence and victimization, and intimate partner violence all remain illegal.” This is deliberate obtuseness to the point of malevolence. The authors of the handbook declare that full decriminalization is what they want:“The Global Justice Health Partnership, the Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center, most sex worker-led organizations, and many other human rights organizations – such as Human Rights Watch, the ACLU, and Amnesty International – favor this approach.”
Protecting prostitution is obviously a very key reason why Soros buys DAs. From page 64 of the pdf:DAs bring about 95% of the nation’s criminal charges.
The criminalization of sex work occurs mainly at the state level. DAs are thus the central actors in bringing forward a vast number of sex work-related charges. In fact, the vast majority of criminal cases proceed at the state or local level, rather than the federal level. This makes DAs especially important, as the chief prosecutors who handle primarily state-law crimes in their jurisdiction. DAs bring about 95% of the nation’s criminal charges.
Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner, first elected in 2017, is perhaps the most notorious example of a George Soros-purchased radical district attorney wreaking havoc on a major American city.“Convictions for violent crime have declined under Mr. Krasner, who lost over three quarters of his staff of 340 prosecutors in his first four-year term. The violence plaguing the city isn’t just a media mirage: according to the data, in 2022 Philadelphia saw its worst murder rate since 1990,”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Salena Zito notes. “Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported at the end of 2022 that Mr. Krasner’s overall conviction rate for violent crime was just 33%.”
On his official website, Krasner boasts of his “Reform Agenda.” “No longer charging most sex work offenses” is among the key reforms mentioned.
“New Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is making changes to what crimes will be prosecuted,” WCBS-TV in New York City reported in January 2022. “In a memo to staff, he said offenses like marijuana misdemeanors, prostitution, and fare evasion will no longer be prosecuted.” Bragg’s campaign was also heavily financed by Soros.
Pittsburgh is now poised to be the next major American city domino to fall.
There are many diabolical strings that come with becoming a Soros puppet. The billionaire’s fixation with legalizing prostitution is one of the tightest of all.
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