Special to WorldTribune.com, March 7, 2024

Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55It’s important to understand that this operation has been going on for decades, and that it has very specific aims. The ultimate goal is the de-Kulakization of the United States to pave the way for the unquestioned reign of the urbanite progressive ruling elite.
White rural voters are a “threat to democracy,” faceless establishment apparatchiks Tom Schaller, a professor of political science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman assert in their new book naturally titled “White Rural Rage.” MSNBC was more than happy to allow them to fully vent their antipathy toward white non-urban Americans:
🚨 MSNBC guest & author of "White Rural Rage" Tom Schaller says White rural voters in America are: "the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, demographic group in America.. most conspiracist group.. election denialism, Covid denialism.."
— 🔥🇺🇸 KC 🇺🇸🔥 (@KCPayTreeIt) February 29, 2024
He sounds vaccinated 😂🤡 pic.twitter.com/AdNKE8VD63
It’s no coincidence that this vile cosmopolitan assault on tens of millions of regular Americans is occurring as an enormous and well-funded campaign to import tens of millions of Third World foreigners into the U.S. runs at full throttle. In order to extinguish the flame of liberty in a nation that once fiercely valued its independence, you must eliminate the citizenry that grew up expecting that liberty as its birthright.
The operation has been years in the making. The propaganda effort has been relentless, and, sadly, quite effective.
On Aug. 15, 1985, ABC’s popular “investigative journalism” program 20/20 aired a segment so over the top in its hatred of white rural Americans that it would fit seamlessly into the thoroughly discredited big-box dominant media cartel of today.
The ominous title: “Seeds of Hate.” The forthright pronouncement: white rural small farmers in 1980s America are a Nazi fifth column running amok in the wilds of the nation beyond the sensible big city limits.
Introducing the overtly cultural Marxist broadcast is lovable Hugh Downs, who perfected the pose of a benign grandfatherly figure as he labored at ABC’s signature prime-time news program from 1978-1999:
“Upfront tonight, the seeds of hate and how far the hate is spreading can be seen in this week’s headlines. In Idaho on Monday, a leader of a neo-Nazi group the Aryan Nations Church was charged with ordering the murder of an informant who had tipped off the FBI to a violent white supremacy splinter group.
In Arkansas on Monday, James Ellison the founder of another white supremacy group, the CSA, which stands for the Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord, pled guilty to charges of conspiracy and illegal possession of an automatic weapon. He is also charged with illegal possession of explosives.
Here comes the smear on all white rural American farmers:
Isolated incidents? You're about to see that they are not. Six months ago, Geraldo Rivera began investigating the state of America's farmers and along the way he found links to a new bigotry ready to take advantage of the farmers’ distress.
Let’s pause here for a moment to tell you more about lovable Hugh Downs. Downs’s big-box television media career took off in 1962 when he was named co-host of NBC’s “Today” morning program. But there was more to the man than that. Downs “was a special consultant to the United Nations for refugee problems between 1961 and 1964 and served as chair of the United States Committee for UNICEF,” a 2020 obit at MassLive relates.“Downs is an ardent abortion-rights advocate and a supporter of Planned Parenthood, the longtime punching bag of anti-abortion conservatives,”
The Orlando Sentinel reported in 1992. “He demonstrated that support at a recent fund-raising breakfast for Planned Parenthood in Phoenix, where he urged the audience to work toward making ‘choice a widespread, widely accepted moral value and to make it a legal right.’”
Downs was fiercely devoted to championing abortion even before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 out of thin air enshrined it as a “constitutional right.” In 1971, he was “elected to the National Board of Planned Parenthood-World Population.” Downs, “who stepped down on October 11 as host the NBC ‘Today’ show after 10 years, has participated in Planned Parenthood programs in Phoenix, Ariz., and will be active as a writer, and teacher-lecturer in the communications field,” a news account at the time detailed. In other words, behind that cheery, "I know I'm perceived as bland" visage that Americans grew accustomed to on their television sets there lurked a devout activist.
Interestingly, as WorldTribune documented in 2021, Charles Kuralt, a similarly grandfatherly host of CBS’s long-running “On the Road” news program in the 1970s and ’80s, was the son of a North Carolina eugenicist so rabid that he was found to have led a state government program that forcibly sterilized minorities in the 1950s and 1960s. The key point: None of these people get put in front of that television camera haphazardly. Back to the white farmer bashing. Downs hands over the narration baton to the ever-loathsome Geraldo Rivera:
Rural America is currently undergoing the largest, cruelest dislocation of people since the Great Depression. These days, auction ads line newspaper columns like obituary notices and sometimes even ordinarily peaceful, law-abiding farmers find themselves driven by their financial problems and their despair into violence.
Does this sound familiar to your 2024 ears?Up until recently, the farm protests have carried no particular ideological or political labels but preachers of hate are trying to change that. A group of pseudo-ministers preaching the gospel of the radical right have been attempting to parlay this farmer frustration into increased following for their cause.
Threatened with the loss of their home, even their way of life, many farmers now are getting desperate. Under those intense circumstances, sometimes even stupid ideas start making sense, even the hateful simplicity of the radical right.
Sweeping statements aimed at defining an entire group of Americans. When applied to any and all minority groups you can think of, it’s an outrage. When applied to rural whites, it’s called journalism. Rivera spends the next 16-and-a-half minutes of precious major network prime time airtime platforming individual obscure hate-mongers (who may or may not have been employed by the FBI?) and uses their lurid pronouncements to inform the viewer that all white rural farmers in 1985 America are vulnerable to falling for their Hitlerian siren song. It’s Patriot Front agitprop all over again, and it happened 39 years ago. Rivera sickeningly concludes his hit job on rural white farmers by passing arrogant judgment on those who painfully lost farms that had been in the family for generations:The current tragedy down on America's family farm is being compounded. It's being made that much worse by a growing, frightening harvest of hate.
When the sheriff comes to take away the Schnuelle family farm, as he surely will, perhaps Dave will be able to draw some small comfort from his strong, sincere but ultimately sick belief that it was all somebody else's fault.
After a lot of pain and suffering, the financial crisis out here should pass. But the soul of America's Heartland may prove harder to heal.
The tragedy that befell America’s small farmers in the 1980s was no accident. Behemoth factory farm operations sought to consolidate control over food production and turn what was once a way of life into just another industry. Undoubtedly, painting small farmers as seething neo-Nazis contributed mightily to the dominance of factory farms today.The health implications to the citizenry have been colossal. Demonizing white rural Americans as part of the campaign to wipe out the nation’s small farms must be seen as a contributing factor to the obesity, autoimmune and other systemic health calamities that routinely affect Americans today.
If this old TV news program sounds vaguely familiar four decades later, there’s a reason for that. Celebrated radical Greek-French filmmaker [Konstantinos] Costa-Gavras, whose father was a communist in 1940s Greece who fell on hard times when the reds failed to take over the country after World War II, made a 1988 major Hollywood movie that could have been taken wholecloth from the 20/20 smear job. “Betrayed” similarly painted your typical white rural farmer of the 1980s as a budding pestilence of far-right hate. In a scene that deeply foreshadows the murderous progressive rural establishment of today that gloats over the senseless slaughter of Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol, a black federal agent (in Lt. Michael Byrd form) is asked by his boss how he feels about the targeted FBI killing of a hate-filled white American terrorist in league with the main farmer character:
Michael Carnes: She has trouble about killing Old Wes. How do you feel about dropping that piece of sh*t, Al?
Al Sanders: Terrific! Like cleaning something off my shoe.
An avenging minority FBI agent shooting and killing a white U.S. citizen enemy of democracy without even arresting him, much less having him stand trial. The scene was extremely disturbing 36 years ago; it is even more alarming today. The film, which starred big-name actors Tom Berenger and Debra Winger, even includes a ludicrous scene in which otherwise down-to-earth, good-natured white rural Americans hunt a black man for sport.The demonization of white South African farmers after apartheid has evolved into mass butchery. It is no exaggeration to say that those openly seeking to dehumanize white, rural Americans are opening the door to similar atrocities here in the not-so-distant future.
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