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The Marxist upbringing of Kamala Harris and her Marxist-fueled rise to power

Kamala Harris and parents Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris

Special to, July 24, 2024

Corporate WATCH

Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55

Though she certainly understands the advantages to be gained from the misperception, Kamala Harris does not pretend to be African American in the same way that Fauxcahontas Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) posed as Native American.

For the installed vice president who now appears set to become the installed 2024 Democrat presidential nominee, being black reflects an ongoing embrace of the radical politics of racial grievance she was weaned on from childhood by her leftist parents. This feeling of intense grievance continues to drive Harris’s personal identity in a way that differs from Warren’s shallow desire to embrace a narrative of victimization for reasons of personal vanity and career gain.

Yahoo News reported in 2019:

In July 2019, more than a year before Joe Biden picked her as his running mate, Harris swept onstage at Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City in her usual uniform — beige blouse, gold necklace, dark pantsuit — to address members of Omega Psi Phi, one of America’s oldest Black fraternities. After a few pleasantries, the California senator and then presidential candidate launched into a recollection of her youth.

“I was born,” she declared, “as a daughter of the civil rights movement.” The year was 1964. Donald Harris, Kamala’s father, had come from Jamaica to pursue a doctorate in economics at the University of California, Berkeley; Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, had come from India to do doctoral work in endocrinology. They met in one of the many small activist study groups then forming off campus, and they kept protesting as Berkeley became ground zero for pretty much every left-wing movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

The Black Panthers and Marxist revolutionary concepts would be central to the Berkeley scene inhabited by her mother and father. Harris and Gopalan regularly attended meetings held by the Afro-American Association, forerunners to the Panthers. Gopalan was one of the rare non-blacks allowed to attend. Whites were not welcome at all.

Which goes a long way to explain this:

In 1964, Gopalan completed her PhD and gave birth to Kamala; her other daughter, Maya, followed two years later. Influenced by the activist community she had chosen, Gopalan made a conscious decision to raise her daughters as black. “She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls,” Harris explains in her book, “and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident black women.”

Discover the Networks details the full extent of the radicalism inherent in the Afro-American Association:

Both of Harris’ parents were far leftists who, in the early 1960s, were active in the Berkeley-based Afro-American Association (AAA), which, according to one former member, consisted of many people who looked to “Fidel Castro and Che Guevara” as their “heroes.”

“We would talk about Black Muslims, the liberation movements going on in Africa, everything,” this member recalls. AAA leader Donald Warden mentored two of the group’s members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, who in 1966 would collaborate to establish the Black Panther Party. Years thereafter, Warden — who by then had changed his name to Khalid al-Mansour — would use his influence to help Barack Obama gain admission to Harvard Law School.

Biased source, you say? Far from denying these ties, the Oakland Public Library celebrates the AAA-Panther connection:

The Afro-American Association’s impact was quickly felt, especially among younger African Americans. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale were among the young people who attended the association’s forums and lectures. The men would go on to co-found the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in October 1966. One of the association’s members – Kenny Freeman – penned the Panther’s legendary 10-Point Plan.

Ever wonder why Kamala aggressively touts Kwanzaa every year even though the made-up holiday has demonstrably fallen out of fashion in recent years?

[AAA] member Ron Everett (later Ron Karenga) went on to found the cultural practice of Kwanzaa through his Los Angeles-based US organization.

Disseminating information about the African American experience not only instilled race pride, it fueled ambition and refocused people’s cultural aesthetics away from white models of beauty and artistic expression. Both the Black Power and Black Arts movements of the 1960s and 1970s were influenced by the association's efforts to center Black achievement, aesthetics, and political consciousness.

Harris has long been estranged from her father but his devotion to Marxist revolutionary theory dates back to his married days with the mother who played a central role in shaping her life. And, make no mistake, Donald Harris was devoted to Marxism. The New York Times reported in 2020:

The Stanford Daily, reporting in 1976, described him as a “Marxist scholar,” and said there was some opposition to granting him tenure because he was “too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-Classical economics.”

The New American also noted in 2020:

Donald Harris was a Marxist who wrote papers such as “The Black Ghetto as Colony: A Theoretical Critique” (1972) and “Capitalist Exploitation and Black Labor: Some Conceptual Issues” (1978). Though some try to downplay the full nature of Harris’ political views, several Stanford Daily articles at the time described Donald Harris as “Marxist,” and colleague Tracy Mott and his friends made it very clear that Harris was hired specifically for his radical views.

It's harder to downplay Harris’s pronounced Red affinities when one learns he penned a glowing introduction to an English translation of a book authored by a leading Russian Bolshevik revolutionary. In 1972, Nikolai Bukharin’s work “The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class” was re-published with introduction by Donald J. Harris. He wrote:

It would have been better to have entitled this book “A Marxist Critique of Bourgeois Economic Theory,” for that is what it is. In the tradition of Marxist critiques, it is a significant contribution.

Harris gushed over one of the most important sculptors of a Bolshevik nightmare that resulted in the deaths of untold tens of millions from 1917 into the 1990s:

Bukharin (1880-1938) is commonly acknowledged to have been one of the most brilliant theoreticians in the Bolshevik movement and an outstanding figure in the history of Marxism.... While still a student, he joined the Bolshevik movement and was thrice arrested for his revolutionary activities. Upon returning to Russia in April 1917, he worked closely with Lenin and participated in planning and carrying out the October Revolution.

There’s more:

At the peak of his career, Bukharin was regarded as the foremost theoretician and authority on Marxism in the Party. Lenin is supposed to have called him “the most valuable and biggest theoretician.”

This is Kamala Harris’s father. In the end, Bukharin himself was cut down by the murderous system he helped create. He died as just another faceless victim of Stalin's purges in the 1930s. Big-box media outlet Politico in 2021 conceded that the mother that shaped Kamala's worldview was at the very least a fellow traveler:

“Their entire circle of friends in Berkeley was leftist,” [Chidanand Rajghatta, the longtime D.C. correspondent for Times of India who wrote a biography of Harris] said. “The sense I got was both her mother and her father were sort of socialist.”

In the 1983 book by famed black studies professor Cedric Robinson, “Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition,” he listed Harris’ mother Shyamala Gopalan among the friends who helped him, for instance.

As Corporate Watch documented last week, Kamala Harris owes her political career to a sexual affair with San Francisco Democrat powerhouse Willie Brown. Brown in turn was compromised by numerous close associations with communists of all stripes, from Fidel Castro’s Cuba to the Rev. Jim Jones of Jonestown infamy and perhaps most importantly, to a special alliance with Rose Pak, a woman who had an undue influence over the Chinese-American community in the Bay Area for decades.

“According to four former intelligence officials, there were widespread concerns that Pak had been co-opted by Chinese intelligence,” Politico reported in 2018.

Kamala Harris’s sugar daddy is tainted by communism. Her father is tainted by Bolshevism. Her mother is tainted by Marxist, socialist and Black Panther ties.

And this is the woman who has just been anointed by the ruling progressive establishment, without any vote whatsoever, to be the 2024 presidential nominee of one of the two dominant political parties in America today.

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