Whiter-than-white Sen. Elizabeth Warren tried to pass herself off as a Native American. So, if you want to go as Sen. Elizabeth Warren this Halloween, are you guilty of cultural appropriation?
That would be a big yes as far as the woke leftist cancel culture comedy killing fun averse mob is concerned.
“Many children and families don’t realize that their costume choices are potentially hurtful or offensive,” the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says in a guide it produced (yes, no joke) for appropriate Halloween costumes.
"For example, a child who may be interested in Native American stories and history wants to dress up as a Native American person. Consider it an opportunity to talk with them about how Native American dress is not a costume. Instead, it is an essential part of identity, unique to each different tribe with their own customs and ways of dress,” the guide says.
So, you should not go as Pocahontas for Halloween. In fact, as Greta Thunberg would say: How dare you!
And don't even think about going ironically as Greta Thunberg.
The perfect 2021 Halloween costume for the woke leftist mob? That would be Dracula. Why? Because they are sucking they joy out of Americans' lives.
The ADL's guide also urges parents to avoid costumes “that perpetuate gender norms.”
“Many Halloween costumes perpetuate gender stereotypes and exclude those who don’t conform to traditional gender norms, especially those who are transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming. Be mindful that you may have students who feel excluded and marginalized by the overly gendered way Halloween costumes are marketed,” the ADL's Halloween guide proclaimed.
Here are two photos of costumes. Which one is and which one isn't appropriate in the leftist Halloween handbook?

A Seattle Public Schools elementary school has come up with a perfect woke solution to deal with all those culturally-inappropriate, gender norm-adhering 5- to 10-year-olds. B.F. Day Elementary School canceled its Halloween parade, saying the event has historically marginalized students of color who don’t celebrate the holiday.
Seattle Public Schools said in an emailed statement that, for at least five years, the school’s Race and Equity Team has been discussing the parade, The Seattle Times reported. The team with staff input, made the recommendation to cancel the parade, the statement said.
“This is a movement that will not stop until it has torn down every American institution and every American tradition,” Vivek Ramaswamy, author of “Woke, Inc.”, told Fox News. “And you mark my words, Thanksgiving is next, Presidents’ Day is next, the Fourth of July is next. It’s coming and I think that this movement will not stop until it is stopped in return.”
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