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Transgender corpses, mutilated kids and communist sex workers: Pride Month's corporate-backed Satanism

Special to, June 23, 2024

Corporate WATCH

Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55

This is not going to be an upbeat article. It is about child abuse, prostitution, communism, a virulent hatred of Christianity, and death.

Happy Pride Month, America.

Here’s something that got completely shut out of the overheated 24-hour news cycle. In April, a team of University of Texas medical researchers released results of an extensive study:

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between gender-affirmation surgery and the risk of suicide outcomes compared to two control groups with data from 2003 to 2023.

Here’s what they found:

Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a more than 12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not....

The researchers make clear that they are not opposed to transgenderism. Their findings are fully in line with those of outright homosexual activist organizations, such as The Trevor Project:>  

The Trevor Project’s 2023 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ Young People found that 41% of LGBTQ+ young people seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including roughly half of transgender and nonbinary youth.

From a 2021 report in progressive establishment UK newspaper The Guardian:

The research was carried out by Just Like Us, a [British] LGBT+ young people’s charity, which surveyed 2,934 pupils aged 11-18, including 1,140 pupils who identify as LGBT+, between December 2020 and January 2021.

It found that 68% of LGBT+ young people had experienced suicidal thoughts, compared with 29% of young people who were not LGBT+. Lesbian (74%) and transgender (77%) young people were the most likely to have experienced suicidal thoughts and feelings....

Nearly a third of the LGBT+ young people had self-harmed, compared with 9% of the non-LGBT+ young people.

What's Just Like Us’s answer to these grim statistics? Get more kids to be queer. June 2024:

More than 7,000 schools across the UK are set to celebrate LGBT+ inclusion and allyship during School Diversity Week.

This year, the UK-wide celebration of LGBT+ equality run by charity Just Like Us is taking place 24 to 28 June.

How can this possibly be described as anything else but the pure grooming of innocents?

Schools across the UK will be marking School Diversity Week 2024 by getting involved in a wide range of activities from LGBT+ inclusive lessons, to storytime activities, to assemblies and school talks from Just Like Us, to fundraisers with Rainbow Ribbons and a Rainbow Friday dress-up day.

Pupils will be learning about diverse families, how to be allies to their peers, LGBT+ history, hearing inclusive stories told by LGBT+ children’s authors and celebrating diversity.

And it’s all brought to England’s schoolchildren by an America-based multinational finance company:

School Diversity Week is supported by headline sponsor JPMorgan Chase & Co., as well as Addleshaw Goddard and Primary School Champion iCandy.

Other multinational corporations who financially support this destructive organization include BlackRock, Deloitte and Unilever. PBS is using your taxpayer money to promote this abomination in America. Featured author Jack Turban has stated that is normal for him to "treat" transgender kids who know they are trapped in the wrong body at the age of 5:

The time it takes to perform this assessment varies from patient to patient, said Jack Turban, an assistant professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of California-San Francisco. Turban may see someone who is 12 years old and asking for puberty blockers. This hypothetical patient has known they are trans since they were 5 years old and has already adopted a new name and pronouns that match their gender identity.

“That’s going to be a much shorter assessment to know that they are ready for treatment when compared to somebody who has only understood their trans identity for six months” and has other complex mental health conditions like schizophrenia, Turban said.

PBS is Satanic. Here’s a reminder: So is CNN. From a June 2 “Child Parenting Advice” article posted in the health section of the cable news giant's news site titled “If your kid just told you they’re trans, here’s what you should know”:

“There’s really no harm in ever affirming or loving our kids when they share with us who they are,” [Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd, medical director of gender health at pediatric health system Children’s Minnesota] said. “The harm really can only come if we refuse to listen or acknowledge the truth that they’re sharing with us and how vulnerable they’re being.”

This is who CNN cited as a credentialed medical expert. This is Children's Hospital of Minnesota: (Preferred gender pronouns left in to accentuate the insanity):

They have been at Children’s for the last 18 years, and in that time have been an advocate for advancing equitable healthcare for all children. Dr. Goepferd has a passion for working with underserved and at-risk kids and families.... They are seen as a leader in the LGBT community in driving equitable care for LGBT youth, particularly transgender and gender diverse youth and are a sought-after speaker and trainer on these topics.

This person should never be allowed around children. Yet Goepferd has kids at home that are being abused by this poisonous agenda:

Another reminder: ABC News – owned by Disney – is Satanic. On June 3, it ran a puff piece for Pride Month on this individual:

It is hard to imagine 75-year-old Renée Imperato – the tattooed, foul-mouthed New York City trans icon dubbed "Mother" – ever putting on gloves to hide her painted nails out of fear of discrimination.

Here is ABC's June showcase Imperato writing for a Marxist website to celebrate a flagrant act of hate perpetrated against Catholics at New York City’s St. Patrick's Cathedral in February:

St. Patrick’s was experienced as never before, with the overlapping communities of sex workers, trans people and queer people, primarily of the BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and People of Color] communities.

Cecilia, affectionately known as the “mother of all whores,” was from Argentina, and for years she was undocumented. She was a leader and a mentor to all of us, especially to younger members of our community who have struggled in their path toward claiming their identity.

As documented in 2020, radical homosexuals have a special antipathy against Roman Catholicism. Larry Kramer, founder of the militant 1980s AIDS activist organization ACT-UP is today hailed as a cultural hero by establishment forces including President Joe Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Kramer exulted over a 1989 assault on St. Patrick’s by his homosexual shock troops in which a Communion host, which Catholics believe is the Body of Jesus Christ, was crumbled and scattered.

“Snapping the cracker,” one of the hooligans raged afterwards. Imperato ends his article praising the 2024 attack on St. Patrick’s with the communist salute "Presente!" And with good reason:

Workers World Party is a radical-left “Marxist-Leninist political party” dedicated to starting and fighting a “socialist revolution in the United States and around the world.”

Imperato is himself a male prostitute. This is what Disney/ABC News chose to celebrate this month. One more reminder: The United Nations is a Satanic entity. On June 2, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS celebrated International Sex Workers’ Day by demanding the decriminalization of prostitution:

Currently 168 countries have punitive laws that criminalize some aspect of sex work. But a growing number of jurisdictions are recognizing the need to decriminalize sex work to protect sex workers. In May this year Queensland in Australia became the latest jurisdiction to decriminalize sex work.

“To protect sex workers’ health, leaders need to accelerate action to tackle the stigma, discrimination and violence that sex workers face. This will require decriminalization. The evidence is clear: punitive laws hurt sex workers and need to be removed,” said Christine Stegling, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS.

International Sex Workers’ Day is founded on yet another attack on a Roman Catholic church by homosexual terrorists:

On June 2, 1975, a group of about 100 sex workers took over the Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon, France, to protest their living conditions and treatment by authorities, hanging banners from the church spire declaiming “Our children do not want their mothers to go to jail”.

The protestors called for an end to police harassment, reopening of hotels where they worked, and proper investigation into a series of murders of sex workers. Their cause sparked further protests across France, and garnered international attention.

Since then, June 2 has been International Sex Workers’ Day – an occasion to acknowledge the contributions of sex workers to society and to advocate for their rights, health, and wellbeing. The day is also a chance to focus on the many challenges that people who engage in sex work face, including stigma, discrimination, violence, and a disproportionate burden of HIV.

All this death. All this young death. Death of the soul as well as the body. Who would support this mountain of death? Why, just about every big-brand corporation in America you can think of.

Action . . . . Intelligence . . . . Publish

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