Hundreds of U.S. veterans had serious adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines and thousands more had non-serious reactions, according to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
As of April, Veteran’s Health Services reported 895 serious reactions which included: 20 cardiac arrests, 36 strokes, 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 10 heart attacks, and 19 pulmonary embolisms.
The VA also reported over 26,000 less serious reactions. The agency withheld individual report details, citing alleged privacy and related issues.
“Despite the censorship and suppression by the Biden administration and Big Tech, the American people benefit from more, not less, information about the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Additionally, the documents included a section focused entirely on race titled “Addressing health inequities.” The section reports that the Covid vaccine allocation was prioritized to persons of color, in part, because of “social injustices.”
“These new documents show that politics and a pernicious Critical Race Theory approach infects VA decision-making on the allocation of health resources to veterans,” Fitton said.
A document titled “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting” includes multiple charts documenting what the VA describes as serious and non-serious reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine. These events include “Events where Death, hospitalization, and/or Life-Threatening Event is marked as an outcome.”
Johnson & Johnson vaccine adverse event reports include five cerebrovascular accidents, four cases of deep vein thrombosis and three pulmonary embolisms for veteran patients.
Moderna vaccine adverse event reports include 15 cardiac arrests, 16 cerebrovascular accidents, five cases of deep vein thrombosis, five myocardial infarctions and seven pulmonary embolisms for veteran patients. Employees who took the vaccine reportedly suffered five cerebrovascular accidents, four cases of deep vein thrombosis, two myocardial infarctions and two pulmonary embolisms.
Pfizer vaccine adverse event reports include five cardiac arrests, 10 cerebrovascular accidents, one case of deep vein thrombosis, three myocardial infarctions and seven pulmonary embolisms for veteran patients. There was one case of deep vein thrombosis in an employee.
The section titled “Addressing health inequities” states:
"National U.S. data show that COVID-19 has disproportionately affected persons of color ... This is attributed to social injustices that create a higher disease burden and shorter lifespan in this population … attributed this partly to the concept of 'weathering,' that lifelong exposure to the stresses of racial disparity and injustice manifests in greater physical and psychological disease burden and less ready access to quality health care and health-related resources. In addition, persons of color are more likely to work and live in settings with higher exposure to SARS-CoV-2. That is, merely being Black or Hispanic or Native American does not cause one to more easily contract SARS-CoV-2. Rather, the lifetime social disadvantages experienced by persons of color make them more likely to have health problems that predispose them to contract SARS-CoV-2and more often suffer serious or fatal outcomes. Thus, these individuals, along with others who are at risk for suffering serious or fatal illness due to the presence of comorbidities, will be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine per the allocation plan as a consequence of risk factors."
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