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Media Watch

Revealed: NYT reporter who wants Trump supporters labeled ‘enemies of the state’ was a CCP-funded columnist
The New York Times reporter who believes Trump supporters should be formally declared “enemies of the state” is a former columnist for an official Chinese state media propaganda organ. Read More.
Backed by L.A. Times, Left declares war on this remaining Judeo Christian norm
How many examples could one give to show what a sick world left-wing activists, the media and the Democrats — the Left's political party — have wrought? Read More.
Trump explains Arizona, Georgia revelations after media doesn't; Slams Fox
Former President Donald Trump slammed the "Fake News Media", including Fox News, for dismissing news reported out of Arizona and Georgia in the past week of massive and "provable" fraud in the 2020 election. Read More.
Avenatti goes to jail after CNN and Judiciary Committee Democrats promoted his credibility
The sketchy lawyer who was elevated to hero status by Trump-hating media and Democrat politicians is going to jail. Read More.
End of discussion (and freedom): Princeton expert calls for mandatory vaccines
Citing the need for “collective obligations” to take precedence over “individual rights,” a CNN political analyst and Princeton University professor says America must move toward implementing mandatory coronavirus vaccinations. Read More.
How Tucker Carlson confirmed NSA was also leaking his emails to the media
The NSA, which is not supposed to be spying on Americans, is "using the information they gather to put leverage and threaten opposition journalists who criticize the Biden administration," Fox News host Tucker Carlson said. Read More.
Taking sides over the American flag: New York Times vs MAGA Hulk
The New York Times on Independence Day arguably shredded the American flag by validating the Left's narrative that those who display it are white supremacists. Read More.
Smackdown: Vernon Jones takes CNN 'reporter' down a notch
CNN may believe it has been anointed to instruct black Americans on how to think and which political party to support. Vernon Jones, a Republican candidate for governor in Georgia, set the record straight on July 1. Read More.
'Confirmed': Team Biden's NSA is 'spying' on Tucker Carlson's emails
During his Monday broadcast, Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed that a whistleblower with the National Security Agency (NSA) warned his show that the Biden administration is spying on it and the National Security Agency (NSA) plans to leak confidential emails in an attempt to take the show off the air. Read More.
Trust in media? U.S. ranks dead last among free nations following Trump exit
A new poll gives a solid indication on just how impactful Donald J Trump was on the news during his presidency. Read More.
Freedom of the press dies in Hong Kong: CCP forces closure of Apple Daily
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has eliminated one of the last vestiges of freedom in Hong Kong with the forced closure of the pro-democracy Apple Daily newspaper. Read More.
Next up for post-mask America: Eat your bugs!
NBC News, which has been biting at the chomp to gallop past CNN in the Woke Network Derby for some time now, is serving up its latest soulless globalist fare. And we mean that literally. Read More.
Letter: Replace the media and win the Information World War
Since early 2020, an unprecedented and surreal war of ideas has upended lives and livelihoods worldwide. Misleading narratives and outright disinformation have bred confusion, panic and despair. Most do not remember World War II. We now find ourselves in what may later be called an Information World War. Consider what has happened: Read More.
Unreported: 4 British airline pilots die after getting Covid jab
Big Tech and the corporate media are moving furiously to suppress the news that four British Airways pilots have died in recent days after reportedly getting the Covid vaccine. Read More.
Fired Houston Fox TV reporter told: 'You need to cease and desist posting about hydroxychloroquine'
Ivory Hecker, the now-fired former reporter for FOX 26, reveals how she was prevented from straying from the station’s pro-vaccine coronavirus health agenda or reporting on other issues that fell outside what she labels the corporate narrative. Read More.

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