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Who is Eric Coomer, Part II: Bizarre arrest video of Dominion Voting exec in Colorado
Police body cam video out of Salida, Colorado shows former Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer continually denying to police that he was responsible for crashing his truck into a building before finally admitting he indeed was behind the wheel. Read More.
Democrats' abortion on demand bill defeated; Manchin votes with GOP
Democrats' attempt to force states to allow abortions for any reason until at least the point of viability was defeated in the Senate on Monday as West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin voted with Republicans. Read More.
Special counsel: Zuckerberg 2020 election grants violated Wisconsin bribery laws
Millions of dollars in grant funds from Mark Zuckerberg that went exclusively to Democrat strongholds in Wisconsin were a violation of the state election code’s prohibition on bribery, according to a report submitted on Tuesday by a state-appointed special counsel to the Wisconsin Assembly. Read More.
Fire the bureaucrats: Epic Trump speech outlined new vision for nation’s future
What did President Donald J Trump learn from four years of non-stop attacks in Washington as his policies were systematically undermined by a hostile bureaucracy and political-media establishment? What would he do differently upon returning to the White House? Read More.
Jan. 6 defendant Matthew Perna, 37; 'Justice system killed his spirit'
Jan. 6 defendant Matthew Perna, 37, committed suicide on Feb. 25, according to an obituary posted by his family. Read More.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: Strongman or sucker?
The Western intel made Vladimir Putin stronger by installing the sock puppet Joe Biden, having the sock puppet kill the Keystone Pipeline (enriching Putin and Russia) and letting the sock puppet bungle the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Read More.
Kudlow: To hurt Putin, 'open the spigots' on U.S. drilling, pipelines
Trump White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said that Team Biden made a huge mistake in its assault on U.S. oil and gas production which increased reliance on Russian energy and enabled Vladimir Putin to gain the billions in cash he needed to fund his war machine. Read More.
Unreported: Ukraine parliament rushes through law on 'Right to Civilian Firearms'
Last week, the Ukrainian parliament passed "Law #5708 on the Right to Civilian Firearms". A spokesperson for the Ukrainian government said: "This bill is to ensure that every citizen receives the sacred right to self-defense." Read More.
Trump on fire: 'Horrific' Ukraine disaster; 'Major war' may erupt; 'Stolen' election on tape; Champions truckers
President Donald Trump brought an energized crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) meeting in Orlando, Florida to their feet multiple times with optimism and humor as he cast a renewed vision to Make American Great Again after the failures of the Biden administration. Read More.
Major think tank cheers U.S. invasion: Let them come here and ‘take jobs’
Globalist D.C. think tank The Brookings Institution has come clean on what most logical observers already knew: the unprecedented wave of Third World foreigners pouring over our broken southern border is a welcome event for a ruling establishment that is eager to further the drive towards a cheap-labor economy in the U.S. Read More.
Guy problem: Trying to buy a razor without funding assault on America
Men cannot buy a simple razor today without having to financially support companies that explicitly fund anti-male and leftist cultural agendas. Read More.
Different chemistry: How Trump communicated with Xi, Putin and NATO leaders
During a Feb. 23 interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, former President Donald Trump said that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine during his administration for "a very good reason, and I'll explain that to you someday." Read More.
Message from Putin and Xi: The America-centric world order is no more
Russia's Vladimir Putin and Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping have made it clear: "The old world order dominated by the United States, its values and interests is over," an analyst wrote. Read More.
And now, this: Ex-Obama official is latest multi-millionaire seeking to buy a major GOP nomination
Democrat donor Harry Wilson officially entered New York’s governor’s race as a Republican after poll-testing not voting for former President Donald Trump in 2020 and donating thousands of dollars to anti-Trump politicians. Read More.
Romulus Report: The stock market is like a river
Last Thursday, FB lost more in total value than any stock in trading history. There is a lot of bad news surrounding the company, and many retail investors think FB will keep falling off the cliff for days until it is almost worthless. Read More.

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