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America still has a two-party system, says Lin Wood; It’s just not what we’ve been told
Do you think We The People will soon awaken to the reality that the “Democrats” and the “Republicans” are just one big political party which gives the appearance of division in order to get their hands on our money through donations and taxes? Read More.
Shock report: Texas National Guard helping shuttle illegal aliens across border
Illegal aliens are pouring across our beleaguered southern border in a nightmarish fashion truly reminiscent of French author Jean Raspail’s oft-referenced 1973 prophetic novel “The Camp of the Saints.” Read More.
Judge puts protective order on Eric Coomer testimony in deposition by Sidney Powell
Attorney Sidney Powell announced last week that her legal team had been granted the opportunity by a Colorado court to depose Dominion Voting Systems security director Eric Coomer. Read More.
Delaware 2020: 296 votes came from nursing home with only 94 beds
Dead people voting and more votes coming from nursing homes than there were beds at the facilities were among the over 20,000 irregularities found in a canvas of Delaware’s 2020 election ballots, reports are saying. Read More.
As 1 in 5 arrive in U.S. sick with an 'illness', Dems vote against Covid tests for illegals
One in five illegal immigrants who are crossing the U.S. southern border are showing up sick with an "illness," Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas revealed. Read More.
Sunday Times writer breaks the code: ‘Last presidential election was a fraud, rigged by big business’
A lefty scribe from across the pond has gone where Big Media sods in the U.S. dare not tread (the truth as obvious to everyone everywhere who is capable of minimal discernment). Read More.
Released from NDA, Maricopa auditors describe their disturbing findings
Under nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) until now, Arizona residents who volunteered to take part in the audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election ballots are speaking out. Read More.
Senator calls on Biden to resign over Afghanistan 'lies'; Decision among 'dumbest military moves in history,' says Trump
Following testimony from top military commanders who said they recommended keeping some U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn on Tuesday called on Joe Biden to resign for making false statements about the commanders' advice. Read More.
Vaccine lobby uber alles: YouTube bans critics; Health care worker issues warning
YouTube has determined that any questioning of the Left's narrative on vaccines is "misinformation" and will be removed from the platform. Read More.
In just one Michigan county, canvas finds '18 to 20 percent irregularity and anomaly rate'
A canvassing effort in Michigan of the 2020 election found an "18 to 20 percent irregularity and anomaly rate" in Macomb County. Read More.
Grateful: Gavin Newsom wants to make voting by mail permanent, nationwide
Since universal vote-by-mail has been so good to his own political fortunes and that of his party, California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom is calling for it to be a permanent, nationwide requirement for all elections. Read More.
Marines lock up officer who went public on Bagram surrender as generals testify
An officer in the U.S. Marines who slammed top Pentagon brass for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was jailed hours before those leaders were set to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the Afghan disaster. Read More.
Why is this abortion radical sitting on the board of Jesuits' flagship U.S. publication?
Question: What is this woman doing on the Board of Directors for the flagship publication of the Jesuit Order in the United States? Read More.
‘Kids shouldn’t get’ Covid vaccine, Johnson & Johnson officials say; Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci takes aim
Because of potential long-term side effects, children should not receive the Covid-19 vaccination, two officials from Johnson & Johnson told Project Veritas. Read More.
Georgia to investigate chain of custody for 2020 ballots in DeKalb County
The Georgia Secretary of State's office reported that it has opened an investigation into the handling of 2020 election drop box ballots in DeKalb County. Read More.

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