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Documents: D.C. medical examiner requested cremation for Ashli Babbitt 2 days after receiving body
Washington, D.C.’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) submitted a request for permission to cremate Ashli Babbitt just two days after taking custody of her body, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch. Read More.
Meanwhile, mask-free Sweden nears zero daily Covid deaths
Sweden never locked down or imposed mask mandates. Sweden is currently hovering at zero Covid deaths per day. Read More.
Two more D.C. police officers involved in Jan. 6 protest said to die by suicide
Two more law enforcement officers who responded to the Jan. 6 incident at the U.S. Capitol have committed suicide, reports say. Read More.
Report: Capitol Police incited Jan. 6 crowd by firing flash bangs, tear gas
New videos appear to confirm earlier reports that Capitol Police fired flash bangs and tear gas into groups of peaceful protesters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Read More.
'Soft genocide': Dirty secret behind NPR’s anti-racist journalism standards
In the latest display of ridiculousness among our progressive establishment would-be ruling apparatus, taxpayer-funded National Public Radio has announced a new “ethics policy” that will allow its “journalists” to openly conduct themselves as the flagrant activists they have long been. Read More.
Confirmed: White House counsel blocked firing of Barr, Wray, Haspel
President Donald Trump left office more than six months ago, but his final weeks in the White House continues to grip the nation's imagination, especially the Trump-obsessed Left. Read More.
Report: Team Biden ordered workers to cover up Covid outbreak at migrant center
In an apparent effort to control the narrative about the latest Covid wave, Team Biden ordered workers at a migrant facility at Fort Bliss, Texas to conceal an outbreak of Covid among the illegals housed at the facility. Read More.
Team BLM, trans weightlifter crash and burn at woke Olympics
Team BLM, known by some as the U.S. women's soccer team, had its gold medal dreams dashed on Sunday with a 1-0 loss to Canada in the semifinals at the woke Olympics in Japan. Read More.
What Kristi Noem’s latest self-inflicted disaster reveals
It’s safe to say that, with the possible exception of the ongoing disaster that has been Vice President Kamala Harris, no other potential 2024 presidential candidate has done more to damage their chances in 2021 than South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem. Read More.
'Covid authoritarianism': NIH chief supports businesses mandating jab for customers
The Covid authoritarians continue to tear at the fabric of freedom. NIH chief Francis Collins said he supports excluding unvaccinated Americans from patronizing businesses such as theaters and bars. Read More.
Gen. Flynn's 'facts': America faces ‘truest of tests’ as government no longer rules 'in fear of God’
Americans "have some very serious internal decisions to process," Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said. Read More.
Black mom destroys Critical Race Theory at Tennessee school board meeting
A black Tennessee mother delivered an epic takedown of CRT at a recent school board meeting. Read More.
IG report: Lessons of the Vietnam War still unlearned in Iraq, Afghanistan
American civilian and military leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan have repeated the same mistakes made during the Vietnam War and there is no guarantee those mistakes will not be made again, said John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Read More.
Border security 'horrific': Veteran vows to oust Nevada Democrat on 'America First' tenets
Nevada's 4th Congressional District, which has been reliably Democrat in the recent election cycles, is "going to be a red one in 2022," GOP candidate Sam Peters believes. Read More.
Fox News' line in the sand: Network balks at airing election fraud symposium
The network that called Arizona for Joe Biden early on Election Night doesn’t want to run Mike Lindell’s election fraud ads. And it now may lose the My Pillow CEO’s business altogether. Read More.

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