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North Korea defector: Ivy League 'more nuts' than living under Kim Jong-Un regime
The Ivy League university's intense focus on gender issues, such as preferred pronouns, in nearly every class left her in a state of confusion, Yeonmi Park said in an interview on Fox News. Read More.
Report: Half of Covid unemployment funds stolen, mostly by foreign state-backed agents
Some $400 billion in U.S. pandemic unemployment money was stolen via fraud, most of it pilfered by foreign state-backed operatives, a report said. Read More.
Obama, ruling class equate ‘democracy’ only with themselves
The phrase “Defending Democracy" was used to justify the endless wars of the Ruling Establishment some 20 years ago. It is now being re-purposed to serve as a blunt weapon against anyone in America itself who would dare to question that ruling establishment in 2021. Read More.
CDC tracking web site records record jump in vaccine-related deaths in past week
More than 700 vaccine deaths were reported in just the last week, according to the VAERS data. Read More.
Reporter slams Biden DOJ for treatment of Trump ‘political prisoners’ in D.C. jail
Team Biden is carrying out the "political prosecution" of Trump supporters as it continues to hold those accused in the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol without bail in "solitary confinement conditions" in a Washington, D.C. jail, a journalist who has extensively reported on the treatment of Jan. 6 defendants told Fox News host Mark Levin. Read More.
CENTCOM’s Gen. McKenzie on Iran drone threat to U.S. forces in Iraq
Iran is producing more sophisticated and lethal drones and distributing them to its terror proxies, posing an increasing threat to U.S. forces in Iraq, the commander of U.S. Central Command said. Read More.
John Stossel takes on ‘fact checkers’ who censored his video on climate change
A group of climate alarmists have formed an alliance known as Climate Feedback that is trying to silence any debate that goes against the leftist narrative on climate change, and Facebook is letting them do it, author and commentator John Stossel said. Read More.
No Jab? No Job: Judge sets precedent for corporate vaccine mandates
Forced compliance on COVID vaccination isn't going to come from government. Rather, it will be outsourced to private corporations and public institutions. Consider: A federal judge in Houston on June 12 dismissed a lawsuit brought by 117 employees at Houston Methodist Hospital over its mandatory coronavirus vaccine requirement. Read More.
Biden buys world 500 million vaccine shots paid for by U.S. taxpayers
Joe Biden announced he is dispatching half a billion Pfizer Covid vaccine doses to destinations around the world. Read More.
Tech firm's February analysis of Pennsylvania voting machines cited unauthorized software
An election assessment in Pennsylvania's Fulton County found that Dominion Voting Systems inexplicably used software in its 2020 election voting machines that allows anyone with privileges to simply change values in the database. Read More.
Journalist who broke story of Clinton-Lynch secret tarmac meeting found dead
The reporter who broke the story about the secret tarmac meeting between ex-President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found dead by first responders at his home in Hoover, Alabama on Saturday morning. Read More.
Report: At 2018 conference, Wuhan lab partner spoke of how to cash in on a pandemic
While speaking at a conference in 2018, Wuhan Institute of Virology and collaborator and gain-of-function advocate Dr. Ralph Baric advised attendees on how to “make money” in the next pandemic. Read More.
Team Trump warns GOP: Don’t go wobbly on historic border crisis
Former President Donald Trump and his chief immigration adviser are calling on House and Senate Republicans to keep the pressure on open borders Democrats amid the historic crisis at the U.S. southern border. Read More.
'Pathway' to jail: Gov. Abbott says Texas will block border, arrest illegals
Since Team Biden won't build a border wall, Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas will. Read More.
Eyes on Arizona: 'If they don't have the ballots, they don't have the victory'
The corporate media may be ignoring the Arizona audit, but Americans shouldn't because, at the end of the audit, if Joe Biden doesn't "have the ballots" he doesn't "have the victory," former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens said. Read More.

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