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Analysts: Joe Biden's betrayal of Israel is nearly complete
Over the past several decades, U.S. leaders' support for Israel has been unwavering. Then came the Biden administration. Read More.
Chairman Xi in Paris: After the Cognac, a cool reception
Paris in the Springtime! A perfect setting and venue for China’s Chairman Xi Jinping to visit to discuss geopolitics and commerce with French President Emmanuel Macron on whose politically pivotal position inside the European Union remains crucial. Read More.
Report: Argentina booming despite warnings from establishment naysayers
Thanks to the free market reforms of populist President Javier Milei, inflation is falling in Argentina. Interest rates are also coming down. And the peso is on fire. Read More.
Panama election shock: New president vows to choke flow of illegal migrants headed North
Jose Mulino, the surprise winner of the Panama presidential election, has vowed he “will not permit thousands of illegals to pass through our territory like nothing, without control.” Read More.
Trump lockdown allowed him to play host to parade of foreign statesmen
Donald Trump once said: "Keep focused on your goal and never give up. Besides, bad times bring great opportunities." Read More.
In blow to trans lobby, Britain's National Health Service to declare 'sex is biological'
The transgender movement over the past two months has been hit with a double whammy by Great Britain's National Health Service (NHS). Read More.
New study: Excess deaths in Japan skyrocketed after 3rd Covid shot
Using a dataset of Japan’s entire 123 million population, five Japanese scientists found a shocking number of excess cancer deaths coinciding with the mass distribution of the third Covid injection. Read More.
Seoul threatens regime termination if North attempts nuclear strike
If it attempts to use nuclear weapons, North Korea will see the end of its regime, South Korea’s Defense Ministry warned on April 23 after the North said it had conducted rocket drills simulating a nuclear counterattack. Read More.
Gaetz: Team Biden is 'abandoning' U.S. troops in Niger, 'engaged in a massive cover-up'
Joe Biden's administration has essentially abandoned 1,100 U.S. troops in the lawless African nation of Niger, Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz said. Read More.
An unusually direct message to Congress from Japan's PM: 'All hands on deck'
It's not often an American ally and partner addresses the U.S. Congress; but when they do, it’s time to listen. Read More.
'Doublethink': U.S. politics, Gaza ceasefire, and the future of Western civilization
The United States should demand a Gaza ceasefire — from Hamas. Read More.
Hanson itemizes the truth behind Gaza lies
According to a Pew Research poll published on April 2, sympathies for Hamas and Gaza are more common than sympathies for Israel among young voters, especially young Democrats. Read More.
Unreported: Computerized voting in critical election again infuriates South Koreans
Ahead of South Korea’s general election on April 10, problems with computerized tabulation machines are already being reported. Read More.
UN committee investigating North Korea closes shop after Russia's veto
In a classic under the political radar ploy, Russia has vetoed a UN committee investigating North Korean nuclear, missile, and banking sanctions violations. Read More.
Biden White House to Iran: Israel did it
Team Biden quickly scrambled to inform Iran that it had “no involvement” in an Israeli air strike in Syria on Monday that resulted in the deaths of several top Iranian military personnel, a report said. Read More.

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