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Unreported: U.S. strategic ties with key central Pacific islands at risk
U.S. strategic control of the Central Pacific depends on Compacts of Free Association (COFA) treaties with Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Marshall Islands. Read More.
Mideast payback, peril and U.S. 2024 presidential politics
The attack on Tower 22 was a accident waiting to happen. And it did. But then following the deadly drone assault on this exposed U.S. base in Jordan killing three soldiers, the clock started ticking. Unleashing massive American retaliatory airstrikes responding to the Iranian militia attacks on U.S. forces were just a matter of time. Read More.
Unreported: Moscow fills vacuum of power in Sub-Saharan Africa as France fades from scene
The systemic chaos which has befallen a string of countries in the Sub-Saharan Sahel region has gone largely unnoticed by most of the media, except perhaps for Boko Haram’s mass kidnappings in Nigeria. Read More.
China markets again crater over Donald J Trump, this time with tariff threat on Sunday interview
Donald Trump is the E.F. Hutton of the Chinese stock market these days. When Trump talks, China’s investors listen. Read More.
World economy facing ‘fragile resilience,’ UN report warns
While the world economy performed better than expected during 2023, tough times loom in the upcoming year. That’s according to the UN’s annual report “World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024.” Read More.
CCP takes formal administrative control of China’s universities; What about America’s?
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has taken direct control of the country's university's, according to a Radio Free Asia report. Read More.
Taiwan’s election reaffirms island’s distinct identity and dynamic democracy
Taiwan held free presidential elections and communist China glared. Read More.
Risky geopolitics: Answering a Red Sea maritime threat in an election year
Islamic Iran is pulling the puppet strings, and its local stooges are jumping to them threatening global commerce. But beyond Hamas terrorists in Gaza, or the Hizbullah in southern Lebanon, this new seaborne threat has emerged in the oft overlooked Red Sea, a vital waterway connecting the Mediterranean with the Arabian Sea. Read More.
Christmas massacre of Christians in Nigeria ignored by White House, world media
While the United States and much of the world was celebrating, Muslims carried out the massacre of 200 Christians in Nigeria on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Read More.
Unreported: U.S. funding of UN's role in Hamas atrocities had been terminated by Trump
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was complicit with Hamas in the Oct. 7, 2023, genocide and atrocities against Jews. The United States was also complicit by funding UNRWA, which in turn funds Hamas. Read More.
In just 3 weeks, Milei took sledgehammer to Argentina's Deep State
On Dec. 10, populist Javier Milei was inaugurated as president of Argentina. Read More.
2024 in preview: Flashpoints, elections, humanitarian crises
Looking into the snow globe, it’s that time of year to predict and prognosticate what awaits this tired world in the New Year. There’s a certain trepidation in the air as we view the current and emerging crises, especially during a highly contested election year in so many key countries. Read More.
China’s Chairman Xi: Thou shalt not speak ill of the Chinese Communist economy
China's Ministry of State Security took to the WeChat social network recently to warn against "cliches that denigrate the Chinese economy." Read More.
Island of 11,000 souls test drives climate gods' 100 percent renewable energy plan
In 2015, the island of El Hierro, the second-smallest and farthest-south and -west of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa, set out to be 100 percent powered by wind and hydroelectric pumped storage. Read More.
North Korea is now in a league of its own for missile proliferation
There they go again! North Korea’s reclusive communist regime ended the year with a provocative intercontinental ballistic launch, flying near Japan and splashing down in the Pacific. Read More.

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