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Priorities: Top N. Korean in prison camp for allowing Covid to disrupt child communism classes
Within 48 hours of being dragged out of a meeting and arrested, the former head of the North Korea Workers’ Party’s science and education department was transported to a prison camp, reports say. Read More.
After meeting with CIA chief Burns, Taliban announces no extension on Aug. 31 deadline
The Taliban won't extend the Aug. 31 deadline for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Read More.
Leaderless USA: Team Biden issues 'strongly worded' letter to Afghan terror group
As the Taliban terror organization was seizing control of Afghanistan, carrying out its brand of brutal Sharia justice, and thousands of Americans remained stranded behind enemy lines, Team Biden proclaimed that, yes, indeed, it had a plan of action. That plan was in the form of a "strongly worded" letter to the Taliban. Read More.
Biden's end game: Afghanistan’s Saigon scenario triggered by 'appalling incompetence'
Sadly, we have seen this movie before. In the Spring of 1975, the collapse of South Vietnam coming to crescendo with the fall of Saigon indelibly marking a generation. Read More.
'A big change has come': Kabul airport reopens but flights leave empty as Taliban blocks access
Despite the re-opening of Kabul airport for military and civilian flights, access remained nearly impossible for tens of thousands of Americans waiting to be evacuated and many more thousands of Afghans seeking to flee the Taliban's Sharia law control, reports say. Read More.
U.S. intel official: North Korean nuclear ambitions tied to regime survival
North Korea’s nuclear capability is “designed to ensure the survival” of the dynastic regime currently headed up by Kim Jong-Un, a U.S. intelligence official said. Read More.
Sale to Taiwan of precision-guided M109A6 155mm artillery angers China
While the process to make this purchase goes back to 2019, on Aug. 5 the Biden Administration announced the approval for sale to Taiwan of the BAE Systems M109A6 modernized mobile 155mm artillery system. Read More.
Taliban say they have captured six provincial capitals in four days
Taliban forces continued their offensive toward total control of Afghanistan by reportedly capturing several provincial capitals in a four-day span. Read More.
China ‘sends message’ to U.S. allies with economic statecraft
The communist government in China has unleashed an economic pressure campaign which aims to punish U.S. allies in Asia who refuse “to fold to its demands,” a U.S. Air Force report said. Read More.
Australia goes full Orwell; Europe rocked by lockdown protests
Australian officials have reportedly gone to extremes after only 210 new coronavirus cases were recorded in and around Sydney. Read More.
Report: Sex-selective abortions killing more girls worldwide, fueling human trafficking
The preference for sons in many societies combined with access to abortions has led to a wide gender gap, a report said. Read More.
Team Biden introduces delta variant to Trump's foreign policy hardball: ‘Just behave’
From the beginning of the Biden administration in January 2021, the communist government in Beijing has sensed weakness and has continued to capitalize on that vulnerability, analysts say. Read More.
China’s satellite factories signal plans to dominate space
China is now building for nuclear superiority on Earth but also for satellite superiority in space. Read More.
Iran has achieved nuclear threshold status: Israel conveys intel warning to U.S.
Israel has warned the United States that Iran is near the point of having the operational capacity to build a nuclear weapon. Read More.

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