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Australia, No. 1 in the world at flattening the curve: Hilarious tourism ad nails it
You may only exercise outdoors 1 hour per day. Those out and about can be fined for stopping to talk to their neighbors. Inhabitants are not allowed to travel more than 5 kilometers from their home. Welcome to (lock)down under. Read More.
Stopped the steal: Leftist president of Guinea arrested over rigged 2020 election
Special forces in the African nation of Guinea have arrested President Alpha Conde on election fraud charges, reports say. Read More.
20 years later: The 'Legion of the Silent' are gone; Team Biden surrenders to terrorists
We all remember where we were on September 11, 2001. We all remember with sheer disbelief watching the unfolding horror and the realization that “it could happen here.” Read More.
What? Terrorists lied? After 'assessing' lineup Blinken, Austin admonish Taliban for lack of inclusivity
What kind of world are we living in when a terrorist organization can't be trusted to keep its word? Read More.
China’s Xi regime commandeers global data, maps high-tech dictatorship
In 2013, Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping said that “whoever controls data has the upper hand.” Read More.
Taliban invited these six key nations to inauguration
Following Joe Biden's surrender to the Taliban, the terror organization now ruling in Afghanistan has invited China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Qatar to attend the Islamic Emirate's inauguration ceremonies, reports say. Read More.
New drydock at Sanya base increases PLA power projection via South China Sea
Imagery accessed by Geostrategy-Direct on Google Earth compiled in July 2021 confirms that the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is advancing construction of a new large drydock capable of work on aircraft carriers, at its large naval complex at Sanya on Hainan Island. Read More.
Meanwhile from Panjshir Valley: ‘I fight on’
As the Taliban closed in on Kabul, then-President Ashraf Ghani fled for the UAE with millions in U.S. cash. Then-Vice President Amrullah Saleh escaped and joined the National Resistance Front in the Panjshir Valley. Read More.
Watchdog: ‘NIH is in full cover-up mode’ about China ties, years-long ‘gain of function’ research
Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for all emails from National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins related to gain of function research, hydroxychloroquine, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Read More.
Communist Party bans 'sissy men' from Chinese television
As part of supreme leader Xi Jinping's "national rejuvenation" order, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has banned what it refers to as "sissy men" from television. Read More.
Report: Israelis perplexed Biden didn’t bring up China ties at Bennett WH meeting
When Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Joe Biden at the White House on Aug. 27, he was fully prepared to face difficult questioning over his nation’s extensive business ties with China . . . Read More.
After Afghanistan, a nightmare scenario for South Korea
This nightmare scenario comes to mind: the Chinese have invaded South Korea in the name of the North Koreans, who are sort of an auxiliary force, and the wobbly, weak-kneed American president decides the South Koreans can fight on their own with no American troops, no U.S. air or naval power, just the arms the Americans have been selling them for billions. Read More.
Taliban hails 'our Air Force'; More Black Hawks than most nations; Trump demands return of all military equipment
The Taliban announced they are now flying American Black Hawk helicopters that were left behind by the Biden administration. Read More.
Twitter serves as mouthpiece for new Taliban rulers’ propaganda
In a video from Afghanistan uploaded to Twitter on Sunday, a TV presenter talks about the collapse of the Afghan government and said people should not be afraid of the Taliban rulers of the new Islamic Emirate. While he speaks, armed Taliban soldiers lurk behind the presenter. Read More.
Meanwhile in Vietnam: Kamala Harris poses in front of statue of Ho Chi Minh
In what has been described as the worst photo op since (Hanoi) Jane Fonda in 1972 put on a helmet and posed on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun (or one of the best if you are a diehard communist), Kamala Harris posed with Vietnamese communist leaders in front of a statute of the murderous Ho Chi Minh. Read More.

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