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Chinese and Russian coercion exercises in East Asia ring out the year
China and Russia concluded 2022 with Chinese coercive air exercises aimed at Taiwan and then combined Chinese and Russian naval and air coercive exercises aimed at both Japan and Taiwan. Read More.
North Korean solid-fuel rocket motor test elevates potential threat of surprise strike
According to a report and images published by North Korea’s Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), on Dec. 15 North Korea tested a new large solid fuel rocket motor at its Sohae Satellite Launch Center, with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in attendance. Read More.
NSA alert: China cyberspies are targeting Citrix and its top-tier clients
A group of cyberspies linked to the communist regime in China are targeting the multinational cloud-computing firm Citrix, the U.S. National Security Agency said in an alert sent to companies on Dec. 13. Read More.
Pentagon report: China’s PLA aims for ‘mind dominance’ with 'cognitive warfare'
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) researchers believe that winning the battle of minds could be a greater victory than conquering via firepower and can last long after any conflict ends. Read More.
'Paper Tiger': Woke leadership has transformed the U.S. military
Merriam-Webster defines “Paper Tiger” as “one that is outwardly powerful or dangerous but inwardly weak or ineffectual.” Read More.
GAO: U.S. not tracking security status of 722,765 Chinese graduate students
From 2016 to 2020, there were 722,765 Chinese graduate students studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at U.S. universities, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Read More.
‘Uncharted territory’: Intel report reviews unraveling world order
In its Nov. 15 issue,, the subscription intelligence briefing published in association with surveyed the geopolitical landscape and identified disturbing developments with one locus in common: The People's Republic of China. Read More.
China showcases new anti-ship ballistic missile; Now, 7 ASBMs threaten U.S. Navy
At China’s biannual Zhuhai Airshow, this year from Nov. 8 to 12, China’s missile makers displayed new anti-ship ballistic missiles intended to threaten United States Navy ships that may come to the aid of Taiwan should China invade the island democracy. Read More.
Team Biden unveils defense strategy: No nuke buildup, no national missile defense
Released on Oct. 27 with much fanfare in Washington, the Biden Administration’s new 80-page National Defense Strategy report, which contains an unclassified version of the February Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and a new Missile Defense Review (MDR), provides for no increases in the United States’ nuclear forces and provides no national missile defenses against a possible combined China-Russia nuclear threat. Read More.
Report: North Korean military recruitment drive meets with resistance
With orders from the Kim Jong-Un regime for the army to mobilize nationwide and rumors circulating that the length of military service could be extended, young people in North Korea are reportedly resisting recruitment efforts, with many refusing to enlist. Read More.
Thinking the unthinkable: After Covid, don’t rule out biological war against Taiwan
In the 1999 book “Unrestricted Warfare”, Chinese air force colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui wrote that the communist regime should recognize no limits in what it should do to win a war. Read More.
Curious timing: China, Russia to build new navigation satellite ground stations
China and Russia continue the integration of their respective Beidou and Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS) navigation satellite (navsat) systems — at a time when China and Russia are also developing their military entente to very likely include nuclear war cooperation. Read More.
Analyst: U.S., Taiwan and Japan should prepare citizens, begin wartime preparations
In order to deter what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) says is its "new normal" of incursions into Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ), the United States, Taiwan, and Japan should "consider a partial wartime mobilization," an analyst said. Read More.
Iran on the brink? Demonstrations and their suppression much worse than those that toppled the Shah
Most of Iran’s 36 provinces saw mass demonstrations in September 2022 against the clerical Government of the Islamic Republic, and, as with earlier periodic waves of demonstrations, each occurrence prompts the question: Is this the outburst which topples the clerics? Read More.
China’s Xi seeks to weaponize overseas Chinese as communist agents
At the Chinese Communist Party’s United Work Conference in late July, supreme leader Xi Jinping called for ethnic Chinese throughout the world to mobilize in support of the CCP, effectively seeking to make every Chinese individual a communist agent. Read More.

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