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China cyber squads mounted long-term Microsoft intrusions in Taiwan, Guam, Japan
Hackers sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) carried out dozens of recent cyberattacks against organizations in Taiwan, according to a report by computer software giant Microsoft. Read More.
Fearing lack of combat experience, China’s PLA has prioritized AI weapons systems
With over 2 million active military members, communist China has the world’s largest fighting force. China has spent decades building advanced weapon systems for its forces, but a key weakness remains — a lack of war-fighting experience. Read More.
Is Russia ‘rejoining’ the space race, or simply giving its due to China?
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin needs to produce some good news for the Russian people, at least to offer some contrast with his disastrous war against Ukraine that has isolated Russia from most of the civilized world. Read More.
How Russia manhandled U.S. AI in Ukraine drone wars with help from Iran, China
Despite U.S. artificial intelligence advances in weaponry, Russia is thus far winning the drone war in Ukraine, an analyst said. Read More.
North Korea reveals new large UUV and UAVs, designed by whom?
North Korea used its large July 27 parade marking the 70th Anniversary of the 1953 Korean War Armistice to reveal three unmanned weapon systems: the “Haeil” large unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV); the Morning Star-4 large unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the Morning Star-9 UAV. Read More.
CIA finally confirms disastrous 2010 loss of U.S. agents in China
The CIA is still working to rebuild its spy networks in China following the loss of as many as 30 recruits inside the communist country more than a decade ago. Read More.
Chip wars: China restricts exports of rare-earths deemed ‘critical’ for U.S. security
The communist regime in Beijing announced earlier this month that, starting on Aug. 1, it will impose restrictions on the export of two rare-earth minerals that are key to manufacturing advanced semiconductors. Read More.
Air dominance? China reveals ‘full power’ J-20A 5th gen fighter; U.S. details its 6th gen
In the same week China revealed that it had tested (12 years after first flying) a new “full power” variant of its Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) 5th generation air superiority fighter, the United States Lockheed-Martin Corporation offered a revealing indication of its candidate for the United States Air Force’s 6th generation fighter. Read More.
Pentagon pressed by House to prepare for naval blockade of China
In what analysts say is a sign that U.S. lawmakers lack confidence in the Pentagon's preparations for a military clash with China, the House Armed Services Committee gave Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin six months to produce a report to Congress on how the American military could conduct one or more naval blockades on fuel shipments to China during a war. Read More.
Hegemony watch: China’s on-again spy facility in Cuba, established in 2001
In a classic public-relations bungle, a June 9 leak by “U.S. officials” to the Wall Street Journal said that “China and Cuba have reached a secret agreement for China to establish an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island.” Read More.
Iran’s focus: Putting its expanded nuclear program out of bunker busters’ reach
The United States developed a bomb, the GBU-57, specifically to be able to destroy Iran’s underground nuclear facility at Fordow. Also known as the Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP), the 14,000kg precision-guided bomb can burrow through 60 meters of earth and rock before detonating. Iran’s response was to dig even deeper. Read More.
Patent hints at Chinese vertical take-off fighter with some F-35 capabilities
China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) may be developing a novel design short take-off vertical landing (STOVL) multi-role fighter that could fill a longstanding gap in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ambitions to build a military force capable of greater global power projection. Read More.
CENTCOM update: U.S. continues fight against ISIS in face of Iran proxy attacks
In April, U.S. Central Command and coalition partners carried out 35 operations against the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria. The operations resulted in 13 ISIS operatives being killed and 28 detained. Read More.
Report: 'Patriot Front' likely created to push 'white supremacy' narrative
On the same day Joe Biden said "white supremacy" was the "most dangerous terror threat" facing the U.S., a group of so-called "white nationalists," the Patriot Front, marched through the nation's capital. All sported identical masks, pants, shirts and caps. Read More.
O Canada! China moves in on the vast territory north of our border
Canada, our neighbor to the North, is under attack by the Chinese Communist Party with “unrestricted warfare” on economic, political, military, and cultural fronts that targets the United States as well. Read More.

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