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Liz Cheney, Left unhinged by Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 documentary: Overreacting perhaps?
Practically the entire political fortunes of the Democrat Party are tied to the Jan. 6 "insurrection" narrative the party constructed with the assistance of its Big Media allies. Read More.
Army silenced physician who reported pilot vaccine injuries
An Army physician said she was removed from treating acute patients after reporting that three pilots had suffered injuries from the Covid vaccination. Read More.
Virginia is for losers: Voting RINO is worse than seeing Terry McAuliffe win
This is most assuredly a commentary, and is labeled as such, but at WorldTribune we don't lecture to our readers, we aim to provide information that they can use. Read More.
Biden and team plummeting in the polls but don’t appear to care
Damn-the-torpedoes — and the polls; It's full-steam-ahead for the leftists running Team Biden. Read More.
#TikiGate: Lincoln Project took credit, but Democrats, media amplified fake white supremacist rally
There are political missteps and then there are acts of pure political stupidity. Read More.
Risky public letter by Jan. 6 prisoner Nathaniel DeGrave exposes shocking conditions in ‘American Gulag’
On Jan. 6, 2021, Nathaniel DeGrave walked in through the open doors of the U.S. Capitol to document the event for a podcast. Read More.
Virginia Mom who attended DOJ protest: FBI agents are ‘threatening my family’
Federal agents, including unmarked vehicles and a helicopter, were deployed to a recent local school board meeting in Virginia, a Fairfax County mother of six told Fox News. Read More.
Who is Ray Epps and why has the FBI protected him?
A prominent member of the Oath Keepers who was one of the "primary orchestrators" of the first breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 has never been arrested for his role in the breach and is being protected by the FBI, a report said. Who exactly is Ray Epps? Read More.
Texas Rep. Gohmert pins AG Garland on FBI ties of men who committed violence on Jan. 6
At Thursday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Louie Gohmert asked Attorney General Merrick Garland whether any defendant involved in the events of Jan. 6 has been charged with "insurrection." Read More.
DOJ as KGB? Garland stammers under grilling on conflict of interest
Deploying the FBI to pursue parents who speak out against Critical Race Theory and mask mandates in schools is just the latest indication that Joe Biden's Department of Justice is resembling the Soviet KGB, a Republican lawmaker, who was born in the Soviet Union, told Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday. Read More.
Biden's bizarro Town Hall: There's no podium, Joe
Joe Biden bumbled his way through a bizarre 90-minute town hall on CNN on Thursday. Read More.
'Never succumb to Left's psychological warfare': Bannon honors President Trump's executive privilege
Former Trump White House chief adviser Steve Bannon is calling on Americans not to surrender to the leftist mob's "psychological warfare" which intends to break "your resistance." Read More.
Newspaper owned by world's richest man counsels Americans to 'lower expectations,' learn to live with less
The newspaper owned by Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest human on the planet according to USA Today, is telling Americans to "lower expectations" and learn to live with less amid a supply chain crisis that has resulted in empty shelves in stores across the nation. Read More.
Defund-police ‘Squad’ spending large on private security for themselves
Three of the socialists who are part of the so-called "Squad" have spent tens of thousands of dollars on their own private security while at the same time advocating for defunding the police, a report said. Read More.
‘Uniform Code of Military Whatever’: America's enemies know Gen. Milley violated chain of command
The U.S. military currently has "three times the number of four-star admirals and generals than we had during World War II — when the country was in an existential war for survival and when, by 1945, our active military personnel was almost nine times larger than the current armed forces," a prominent Hoover Institution scholar said. Read More.

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