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Swamp Watch

135 Republicans who voted with Democrats on gun confiscation legislation have names
House Democrats slipped a provision into the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which would allow military courts to issue protective orders that include "Red Flag" gun confiscation — and 135 Republicans voted with the Democrats in passing the legislation. Read More.
'More like an open house': Video reveals Jan. 6 narrative 'was a lie, an intentional distortion'
Newly released video from inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 destroys Democrats’ narrative of an “insurrection,” analysts are saying. Read More.
On eve of audit report, Senate candidate Blake Masters tweets: 'Powers that be' removed Trump
The Arizona special election audit report comes out today and Grand Canyon State GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters, who is shaping up to be a leading voice of the America First: The Next Generation movement, has eloquently stated its importance. Read More.
Blogger: What a difference a year makes . . . leaving the NY Times with only one recourse
Frank Bruni of The New York Times calls it "The UnTrump Presidency" implying that all is well. Of course that is not the case as Blogger Don Surber on Sept. 23 detailed for anyone who might still rely on the NY Times for information. Read More.
Poll: 54 percent of white voters, 53 percent of Hispanic voters say things better if Trump had won
Half of voters in a new Scott Rasmussen poll said they believe America would be better off today if Donald Trump had won the 2020 presidential election. Read More.
Backstage at the border crisis industry
In nearly 30 years of covering America's corrupted immigration and entrance policies, I can tell you definitively that every "border crisis" is a manufactured crisis. Read More.
Team Biden agenda ambushed by two key players; Poll clouds Democrats' Hispanic dream
Team Biden's leftist agenda has suffered two huge blows in recent days. Read More.
Police, media outnumber protesters at 'Justice for Jan. 6' rally
It was billed by Democrats and their Big Media comrades as another "insurrection" — worse than the Civil War and 9-11 combined. Read More.
Gen. Bolduc: Many in the military 'have lost confidence in the chairman’
Retired Gen. Don Bolduc said he is being contacted by many people in the military who say they have lost confidence in Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley. Read More.
Shock poll: Even 45 percent of Democrats agree Jan. 6 detainees are ‘political prisoners’
According to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 49 percent of respondents said that those jailed for violence and other charges for their alleged participation in the Jan. 6 "riot" at the U.S. Capitol are being held as “political prisoners.” Shockingly, that includes 45 percent of Democrats. Read More.
Soros, Jr. tweets: ‘In Pelosi we trust’ (What’s God got to do with it?)
In a tweet posted on Sept. 9, Alexander Soros, the son of leftist billionaire globalist George Soros, revealed what worship looks like in the Democrat Party. Read More.
Book: Gen. Milley secretly reassured nervous PLA, Pelosi days before 2020 election
In the waning days of the first Trump administration, Gen. Mark Milley informed leaders of Communist China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he would not carry out "any kind" of military action ordered by President Donald Trump, according to a new book. Read More.
F-bombing Joe Biden: Is America waking up from a very bad dream?
Following Joe Biden's dictatorial vax mandate order last week, will Americans finally wake up from what has been a two-year long bad dream, a blogger asked. Read More.
On 20th anniversary of 9-11, Biden (or is it Susan Rice?) is coddling same terrorists
The Taliban was essential to ensuring the success of the Al Qaida operatives who carried out the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Now, 20 years later, Joe Biden and his team are cozying up to the same terror organization, analysts noted. Read More.
ACLU sells out to the ruling regime it once despised
Glenn Greenwald knows a thing or two about system co-opting. The independent investigative journalist has watched the news site he co-founded, The Intercept, morph into a full subsidiary franchise of the progressive establishment. Read More.

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