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Team BLM takes a knee at Olympics, then loses to Sweden
Team BLM, known to some as the U.S. women's soccer team, took a knee prior to the start of their Tokyo Olympic Games opener on Wednesday. Team BLM was promptly spanked by Sweden, losing by a score of 3-0. Read More.
Unhinged: Fauci can’t take the heat over gain of function research at Wuhan Lab
A Senate hearing on Covid erupted on Tuesday when Sen. Rand Paul called out Dr. Anthony Fauci on U.S. government funding of gain-of-function research at the Chinese lab where many in the scientific community believe the pandemic started. Read More.
Analyst Seth Keshel: Trump won Pennsylvania by 6 to 8 percent
President Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by some 500,000 votes, or 6 to 8 percent, an analyst told Steve Bannon on his Monday War Room broadcast. Read More.
Texas Democrats fly to D.C., break (bad) into song on Capitol Hill
Democrats who fled Texas to avoid voting on election integrity legislation employed a new tactic as they arrived in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. Read More.
Team BLM: All but two on women's soccer squad take a knee
Who exactly will the so-called U.S. women's soccer team be representing at the Tokyo Olympics? Read More.
Hannity: Time for Americans to 'take their sports back'
After playing footage of thousands of Tampa Bay Lightning fans singing the Star Spangled Banner in unison prior to Game 5 of the NHL Stanley Cup Finals on Wednesday, Fox News host Sean Hannity said Americans should "take their sports back" from the woke leftist mob that has hijacked them. Read More.
Building storm in Georgia: Raffensperger’s early warnings on Fulton County went unreported
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger "has known all along" about Fulton County's 2020 election night activity, investigative reporter John Solomon told Steve Bannon's War Room. Read More.
Report: Arizona election servers hit by security breach on Nov. 3; Sec. of State kept news hidden
A security breach of Arizona's election registration servers occurred on Nov. 3, 2020, attorney Matthew DePerno told Steve Bannon's War Room. Read More.
GOP rep in Arizona, who 'lost most of my family members' to communism, explains reality to Democrat
During a session of the Arizona state legislature on June 25, Democrat state Rep. Daniel Hernandez mocked the dangers of communism, parroting the party narrative that white nationalism is a bigger threat. Read More.
Rep. Boebert unloads on Pelosi, as well as the 'basement dweller' and his son
In defending the Second Amendment during a Tuesday speech on the House floor, Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert delivered a brutal take-down of Democrats who coddle criminals. Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Joe and Hunter Biden. Read More.
'Confirmed': Team Biden's NSA is 'spying' on Tucker Carlson's emails
During his Monday broadcast, Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed that a whistleblower with the National Security Agency (NSA) warned his show that the Biden administration is spying on it and the National Security Agency (NSA) plans to leak confidential emails in an attempt to take the show off the air. Read More.
‘Presidential’ Trump in Ohio sums up 5 months of Team Biden: ‘A complete and total catastrophe’
A "presidential" Donald J Trump rallied conservatives to "Save America" while holding Democrats' feet to the fire during a massive rally Saturday in Wellington, Ohio. Read More.
Gen. Flynn on precedent-shattering possibility Trump could be reinstated
Just because Democrats and their corporate media allies, as well an assortment of RINOs, say it can't happen, doesn't mean Donald J Trump can't be reinstated as president if a sufficient amount of fraud is discovered in ongoing 2020 election audits, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said. Read More.
Trump ally: Explosion of evidence about to come out of Arizona
Americans will soon learn the exact extent of what occurred in Maricopa County in the November election. The news will be nothing short of a bombshell, a former Trump administration official said. Read More.
Sidney Powell on War Room: 'It's we the people versus the global elitists'
Asked by War Room host Steven Bannon on Wednesday if the Republican establishment would ever stand up for the large number of Americans who support full forensic audits for the 2020 election, Sidney Powell said "probably never." Read More.

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