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Corporate Watch

Romulus Report: Tesla stock not looking electric
A 700% return. In one year. That is amazing. Especially for a company that was already worth billions of dollars. Read More.
No mystery: Apple, GE and Google fund socialist mag supposedly dedicated to destroying them
It sounds incongruous at first glance: Hard leftist, avowedly socialist radical magazine In These Times is funded by corporate behemoths Apple, Google and GE. Read More.
Big deal? Gates-Soros group acquires for-profit Covid testing firm
George Soros and Bill Gates have joined forces to buy out the UK-based Covid-19 testing firm Mologic. Read More.
Meet the Texas Tribune: ‘Nonpartisan’ news source funded by Gates, Soros and Facebook
Maybe you’ve noticed. There is some sort of behind-the-scenes push going on to make The Texas Tribune a respected mainstream journalism source. Read More.
Psaki confirms Team Biden coordinates with Facebook to flag 'disinformation' on Covid
White House spokesperson Jen Psaki has confirmed that Team Biden is working with Facebook to flag what they consider "disinformation" on Covid-19. Read More.
‘Ludicrous’: Globalist beer behemoth Heineken shills for vaccine passports
As multinational corporations get bigger, the propaganda gets more brazen. International beer goliath Heineken, the second-largest brewer in the world, is being pilloried in England for releasing a new commercial that serves as an advertisement for vaccine passports. Read More.
Biden radicals promote lavishly-funded revolution globally in the name of women’s rights
Leftist globalist elites and corporate sponsors with direct ties to leading players in the Biden administration are seeking to use American money to foment social revolution in Latin America under the pleasing guise of "feminism" or "gender equality." Read More.
Report: Chinese military harvesting DNA data from women around world to engineer 'quality' soldiers
A stunning new Reuters report suggests that China is harvesting data from millions of pregnant women from around the world via the makers of a popular prenatal test to help develop genetically enhanced super-soldiers. Read More.
President Trump explains Big Tech lawsuit: U.S. censorship is 'unacceptable, unlawful and un-American'
Former President Donald Trump announced at a July 7 press conference that he is the lead class representative in a lawsuit being filed with the Southern District of Florida against Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, and Google’s Sundar Pichai. Read More.
Trump declares class action legal war on Big Tech, 'the de facto censorship arm of the U.S. government'
Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday fired a major salvo against Big Tech censorship of conservatives and the America First movement as he filed a class action lawsuit against the CEOs of Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Read More.
Population control tops racism as local newspapers cozy up to Planned Parenthood
There are two angles to what follows that seem to be of some significance: 1. Local newspapers are writing love letters to Planned Parenthood thinly disguised as “news. 2. Abortion trumps racism in the modern progressive pyramid. Read More.
Facebook can be sued for sex trafficking, Texas Supreme Court rules
Facebook can be held liable if sex traffickers use the social media platform to prey on children, the Texas Supreme Court has ruled. Read More.
What is Bill Gates doing with all that farmland he's buying up?
Bill Gates has been buying up so much American farmland that he is now the nation's largest owner of such land. Read More.
Facebook was busy in 2020: Funded controversial Wuhan lab collaborator, not just election interference
Records show Mark Zuckerberg's CZI donated nearly a half a million dollars to one of the lead individuals connected with funding bat coronavirus manipulation in Wuhan. Read More.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s family ties to George Soros run root deep
A surefire way to get on the right track is to connect the dots and track the networks that have direct access to and/or control over leading departments in the executive branch. Read More.

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