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Corporate Watch

The Big Tech-Pharma axis: Medical establishment power surges to new heights
There are five major companies that make up the Big Tech label. ALL have intimate ties with Big Pharma. Isn't that something? Read More.
Here's exactly how Google helped the FBI zero in on a Jan. 6 protester
“The FBI knows that Jacob Travis Clark of Colorado was inside the prohibited environs of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 exactly from 2:15 p.m., the riot’s approximate start time, to 3:25 p.m.,” Rowan Scarborough reported May 12. “The snitch: Google technology.” Read More.
Life never better for ‘businesswoman’ at heart of 2015 PP baby-harvesting scandal
Did the shocking 2015 Planned Parenthood baby parts-selling scandal destroy this monstrously evil industry that utilizes human beings as nothing more than material? Not remotely. Read More.
NBA commissioner on Rockefeller Board position: Sports can ‘transform’ society
Did you know that NBA Commissioner Adam Silver sits on the Board of Trustees of the arch-globalist Rockefeller Foundation? Read More.
280,000 ballots in transit from NY to Pa. 'disappeared'
A whistleblower told the Amistad Project that, in October, as many as 280,000 ballots that were transported from New York to Lancaster, Pennsylvania had “disappeared.” Read More.
Dominion switched Trump votes to Biden in Maricopa: Witness
The chairwoman of the Maricopa County Republican Party said she personally witnessed votes from President Donald Trump in Arizona being counted as votes for Joe Biden when input into Dominion Voting Systems machines. Read More.
In Moldova, fair and open election; U.S. came under attack from within
There were elections in two countries happening almost simultaneously: in the USA and in the Republic of Moldova. Read More.
Thunberg: You don't need that PlayStation 5 — so don't buy it
Climate alarmist Greta Thunberg tweeted on Nov. 27: "Today is black Friday. Overconsumption is wrecking present and future living conditions and the planet itself. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.” Read More.
‘Worst of times’ for a solvent economy have created perfect storm for Bitcoin
As our attention is captivated by the quickly moving news cycle of fear, what is happening behind the scenes to our money, may be more epochal than episodic. Both for the underlying problems, and the overriding solution. Read More.
Covid fear: From 'delusional psychosis' to 'group control'
In 2020 America, where a state of covid fear has been created by the major media and power-mad politicians, “we have office workers [who] will come by and mace you if you are not wearing a mask, and no one will come to your rescue. In fact, they’ll probably applaud it,” a psychiatrist said. Read More.
Before analyst joined Powell’s team, NY Times was a fan
Cybersecurity analyst Navid Keshavarz-Nia is listed as an expert witness in Sidney Powell's election fraud lawsuit in Georgia and his testimony is devastating. Read More.
2014 Obama speech paved way for the Great Election Heist
Former president and trusty old “community organizer” Barack Obama laid the groundwork for the Big Election Steal of 2020 in a speech made in 2014. Read More.
Arizona witness: Dominion systems connected to Internet
A cybersecurity analyst said during Monday's election fraud hearing convened by Republicans in the Arizona state Senate that Dominion Voting Systems machines were connected to the Internet during the Nov. 3 election. Read More.

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