Following Japan's surrender in World War II and its occupation, headed by the "blue-eyed shogun: Gen. Douglas MacArthur, it adopted a "Peace Constitution" and has strictly limited defense spending since to less than 1 percent of its GDP. Read More.
Though Beijing is usually able to control or stifle the narrative inside the United Nations and many of its Committees, the oxygen of free speech on the taboo topic of human rights of China’s Muslim minority was able to seep through and be heard. Read More.
The communist government in China put America "back in its place" in 2020 by winning a biological war, a professor with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said in a video that recently appeared online. Read More.
The communist government in China is using forced labor from Uyghur Muslims to produce a key component used in the production of solar panels, British researchers reported. Read More.
Since planting the first seed for the so-called "great reset" at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland in 2014, leftist elites were clamoring for a global crisis to latch onto. Read More.
This didn’t have to happen. But blame toxic politics, the living legacy of the populist Peronist era, and the tipping point of the Corona pandemic, and you discover what is unraveling Argentina’s socio/economic fabric. Read More.
Jews cower in their homes as Arabs set fire to synagogues and comb the streets for Jewish victims. Failing that, they attempt to break into Jewish homes. They burn cars and whatever else they can lay their hands on. Read More.
Hu Xijin is the editor-in-chief of the Global Times but has also become perhaps the most important mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Read More.
China’s ongoing military expansion continues to seek out valuable real estate around the world. The Asian communist superpower is planning to refurbish an old World War II airstrip on a remote island located in the very heart of the South Pacific, providing an ideal site for operations targeted at Australia or Hawaii. Read More.
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