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Zelensky advisor: Ukraine officials are 'stealing like there's no tomorrow'
Having already committed $113 billion in U.S. taxpayer money to Ukraine, Team Biden is pleading with Congress to send another $61.4 billion Volodymyr Zelensky's way by tying the funding to emergency funding for Israel and the U.S. border crisis. Read More.
Qatar's overlooked role in the ongoing 'Clash of Civilizations'
Qatar is in the news because of its role in negotiating for the release of hostages seized in the Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel by Hamas. The negotiations failed. Read More.
Who you gonna believe: Hamas or U.S. intelligence? Context for Oct. 7 attack comes into focus
The Biden Administration continues to insist that its intelligence agencies have no information to suggest Iran either green-lighted or conducted training specifically to prepare for the events of Oct. 7. Read More.
Analysis: Iran’s winning strategy revealed; It was aided by U.S., China, Russia
Led and financed by Iran, the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 was hailed by Israel's enemies as one their greatest successes ever against the Jewish state while its impact on Israel as a whole has been clouded by localized reporting. Read More.
'Death to America'? China smiles at Iran's mantra
“Death to America” and “Death to Israel” were chanted in Iranian cities after Hamas Islamic jihadists from Gaza slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped over 1,300 Jews in southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Iranians were seen dancing and celebrating the brutal killings of innocents. Read More.
From beautiful Geneva campus, UN Rights Council presides over far-flung, horrific abuses
Over the past year human rights abuses in places ranging from Afghanistan to Ukraine, and to Myanmar/Burma, Xinjiang China, the Middle East, to name a few sordid cases, have splashed across the headlines. Read More.
Analysis: Biden campaigned on foreign policy expertise; Failed leadership tests mirror record
Joe Biden appears more frail and weak by the day, including his team's handling of foreign policy, critics say. His record on international affairs has been consistently bad dating back to the Vietnam War, they add. Read More.
And just like that, Iran’s mullahs are back in the game
In an extraordinary and fast paced series of events, the Islamic Republic of Iran was thrust back into the headlines. Read More.
South Korean intel agency warns voting tech vulnerable to hacking by North
South Korea's National Intelligence Service (NIS) has warned that North Korea could penetrate into the voting and ballot counting systems at the state-run election watchdog "at any time." Read More.
It's only words? Growing concerns voiced as East Asian security debated at UN
A wide swath of Asian security issues was discussed and deliberated upon during the recent UN General debate. Predictably, China and Korea dominated concerns though other concerns such as the South China Sea were largely overlooked. Read More.
Report: Entire family, including 2-year-old, sentenced to life in North Korean prison camp for possessing Bible
North Korea’s new “Anti-reactionary thought law” states that “being a Christian and/or possessing a Bible is a serious crime and will be severely punished.” Read More.
What is it about EV batteries? Blast at customs warehouse felt 20 miles away; 163 injured
A 15-year-old boy was killed and 163 people were injured in a massive explosion in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on Thursday which reports say was triggered by detonating electric car batteries. Read More.
Of no consequence: UN General Assembly debates Ukraine war, moves on
The arc of history passed through the UN last week as the global Assembly debated and deliberated on the ongoing war in Ukraine. Read More.
Analyst: Taiwan central to CCP’s celestial, long-term strategy for global hegemony
An "absolute requirement" in Xi Jinping's quest for Chinese Communist Party (CCP) world supremacy is the military conquest of Taiwan, an analyst noted. But that strategy extends far beyond planet Earth, he emphasized. Read More.
U.S. taxpayer dollars are funding 57,000 Ukraine state salaries
U.S. tax dollars are also paying the salaries of 57,000 of Ukraine's state employees, are subsidizing private businesses and helping them gain new customers overseas via USAID, and are even buying seed and fertilizer for Ukrainian farmers. Read More.

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