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U.S. is waking up to China’s military Moon plans
The United States Space Force is catching on: China’s Moon program is of direct concern to the security of the United States and its allies. Read More.
Shock reveal: China has theater nuclear superiority and is developing next gen ICBM
United States Strategic Command Commander Gen. Anthony Cotton gave Leap Year Feb. 29 testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) in which he revealed that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) likely has superiority over the U.S. in theater nuclear weapons and is now developing its next generation intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Read More.
New proliferation concern: Iran can supply containerized missiles to proxies, allies
Iran has mastered the containerization of long-range solid fuel ballistic and long-range land attack cruise missiles (LACMs), posing a new level of threat from Iran and from its proliferation to its proxies. Read More.
Chinese power projection gains: Equatorial Guinea to Papua New Guinea
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ambition to impose global political hegemony has two major military requirements: A power projection navy able to deploy force around the world and a global network of bases and naval access agreements to support global maritime power projection. Read More.
Intel: At least 12 employees of UN agency took part in Oct. 7 attack on Israel
A dozen employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the UN's Palestinian refugee agency, were part of the wave of Hamas terrorists who slaughtered more than 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7 of last year, a report said. Read More.
On the western front of Mideast terror war, paid protesters and NGOs play key roles
After Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, a new wave of international support has come in the form of well-organized demonstrations in which protesters are paid by deep-pocketed NGOs to block highways and roads and intimidate and threaten Jews and non-Jews. Read More.
Counterspy cuts to the chase on Epstein: Money trail leads to Israel’s ‘MEGA’ op
Wealthy pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his operation to fly powerful figures to his private island for sex with underage women returned to headline news in recent weeks with the release of court papers revealing the names of many who traveled to what has been dubbed “Lolita Island.” Read More.
Report: Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships directly assisted by Iran intelligence
Along with drones and missiles, the Yemen-based Houthis are receiving real-time intelligence from Iran and are using it to target vessels passing through the Red Sea, according to regional and Western officials. Read More.
China launches new heavy intel satellite and its space plane ahead of U.S. X-37B
China’s expected 3rd mission for its new small space plane was launched on Dec. 12, and on Dec. 15 China launched its largest optical intelligence satellite, Yaogan-41. Read More.
Cold War theater: China sought to engineer at-sea Taiwan helicopter defection
During the Cold War, high profile defections from the Soviet bloc to the West were a constant source of assurance of the desirability, if not the superiority of the democracies over the empire of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Read More.
Report: Plot to kill Kim may have been foiled by ouster of conservative president in Seoul
Just because Kim Jong-Un is paranoid doesn’t mean a wide variety of North Korean operatives aren’t out to kill him. Read More.
With its eye on the long game, China expresses compassion for SpaceX
It’s been a tough week for SpaceX and Elon Musk, but they are getting some rare sympathy from China. Read More.
Congressional China report details alarming military tech theft, war preparations
One day before President Joe Biden was set to meet with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in San Francisco, a U.S. congressional panels said the Biden team has little to show from a series of meetings between senior leaders in recent months which attempted to moderate Beijing’s policies. Read More.
U.S. Navy stretched thin to cover global contingencies
The Navy, while modern and very competent, is increasingly stretched to cover all contingencies; Not just the 88 feet between baseball bases but commitments and crises as far flung as the Mediterranean Sea, to the Persian Gulf and the wider Pacific. Read More.
Seoul on alert: Hamas asymmetric attack used North Korean methods, weapons
Hamas's simultaneous incursions by air, land, and sea, in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel rang alarm bells in South Korea as it employed strategies long pursued by North Korea. Read More.

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