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OSHA: Employers requiring vaccines may be liable for 'any adverse reaction'
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) indicated that employers who require employees to receive experimental Covid vaccines may be held liable for any adverse reactions employees may have to the vaccines. Read More.
More skeletons in Bill Gates’ closet are seeing the light of day
Lurking behind a carefully crafted facade of nerdy goodness, Bill Gates was a creepy jerk who was hitting on women in the workplace, according to several new reports. Read More.
Unanimous Supreme Court rejects warrantless seizure of firearms from home
In a unanimous ruling on Monday, the Supreme Court sided with a Rhode Island man who had two guns confiscated from his home by police who did not have a warrant. Read More.
Another weekend in hell for residents of America’s progressive megacities
Reports that three teens had gone on a subway slashing spree in New York City, randomly maiming individuals along the way, made headlines over the May 15-16 weekend. It is now emerging that the deranged acts were not as spontaneous as they first may have sounded. Read More.
Charter schools' surge during covid panic angers professional Left
The relative success of charter schools is one unreported metric on public acceptance of the Democrat-backed teachers unions. Read More.
‘Chinese Girl in the Ghetto’ urges Obama to denounce black-on-Asian violence
The suspects in the majority of a wave of recent attacks on Asian Americans are black. Read More.
Black parent slams Critical Race Theory at Virginia school board meeting
A Loudoun County Schools parent absolutely destroyed Critical Race Theory education plans in the Virginia school district and asked the school board to ban what she called a curriculum that is "racist and abusive." Read More.
Ultimatum to America: Joe Biden’s new ‘Rule’ lays down the law on vaccines
So much for "get your shot and have a donut." Carrots alone only take social conditioners so far. Eventually, the Big Stick has to come out. Read More.
Michelle M to Michelle O: Check your Obama privilege
Former President Barack Obama's bitter other half is at it again. Just when you think the former first lady's deep well of racial resentment has run dry, her headline-generating grievances gush forth anew. Gripe springs eternal. Read More.
Brain-dead: Commencement speakers ratio this year is 37-1, liberals-conservatives
Young America’s Foundation (YAF) found in its annual survey of the 100 top schools that have identified their 2021 commencement speaker that 37 are featuring notable and national leftists. Only one is a conservative. Read More.
Oil and gas industry mocks ‘extraordinary customer’ North Face
This is what's known as woke comeuppance. In December, The North Face apparel company cited environmental protection in rejecting an order of 400 jackets from Innovex Downhole Solutions, a Houston company that provides products and services for oil-and-gas producers. Read More.
Prager: Is America a force for good in the world or not?
America is going through convulsions that may destroy it as the country we and the world have known for more than two centuries. Read More.
Researchers announce ivermectin should be used globally as both a therapy and preventive for Covid
Researchers in a study just published in the American Journal of Therapeutics announce, “Ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.” Read More.
Teacher in Washington state explains to parents why she read 1st graders a book about transgenderism
A 1st grade teacher in Washington's Bellingham School District subjected her six- and seven-year-old students to a book describing a two-year-old biological male beginning his transition to a female with the support of his parents. Read More.

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