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Abortion, Inc. and NBC News: Babies viewed as threat to women's economic survival
The article was the site lead on the NBC News website for a good chunk of the evening of Sept. 12, prominently splashed atop, right below the corporate masthead and its trademark peacock logo. Read More.
Left poised to seize control of the English-speaking world
Those who seek to control others and those who seek to be controlled by others would seem to be on opposite ends of the political spectrum. But they are not. Read More.
Unexpected and heartbreaking: Thousands flood ABC affiliate's Facebook page with vaccination horror stories
An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine. Read More.
Trump warns: California Recall vote ‘another giant Election Scam’
New revelations about Gov. Gavin Newsom's wife and a slew of endorsements picked up by Larry Elder will likely mean nothing in a "rigged" California recall election, former President Donald Trump and analyst Wayne Allen Root noted. Read More.
President Trump calls vax mandate a distraction, makes surprise NYC appearance on Sept. 11
Joe Biden, with his Big Media allies, trotted out new Covid vaccine mandates on Thursday in an attempt to distract Americans from the ongoing Afghanistan disaster, former President Donald Trump said. Read More.
Whistleblower nurse: Majority of Delta-Covid patients at her hospital are vaccinated
A nurse who has worked in a Covid ward since the pandemic began told the Stew Peters TV broadcast that the majority of patients being treated at her hospital who are infected with the Delta variant are vaccinated individuals. Read More.
Male transgender MMA fighter pummels, bloodies female opponent
A former U.S. special forces soldier who now identifies as female annihilated his/her opponent in a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) match on Friday night. Read More.
'We will fight Joe Biden to the gates of hell': Vaccine mandate sparks nationwide rebellion
In an immediate and spontaneous united wave, leaders from all works of American life spoke out loudly following Joe Biden's Sept. 9 announcement requiring the Covid vaccines. State governments, organizations advocating for constitutional rights, and private businesses nationwide have vowed to fight what they see as Joe Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate. Read More.
Scientist: Released documents prove Fauci lied to Congress about gain-of-function research
Newly released documents "unequivocally" show that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied about the U.S. government issuing grants that were used to fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a scientist said. Read More.
Arizona showdown: Sen. Wendy Rogers tells Sec. of State, ‘You’re going to the slammer’
As the state's top elections official, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs presided over what critics say was a 2020 election marred by massive fraud and irregularities. Read More.
Where’s the DOJ? Watchdog calls for investigation of ‘racially-charged assault’ on candidate Larry Elder
A white woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at Larry Elder, who is seeking to become the first non-white governor of California. Read More.
20 years later: The 'Legion of the Silent' are gone; Team Biden surrenders to terrorists
We all remember where we were on September 11, 2001. We all remember with sheer disbelief watching the unfolding horror and the realization that “it could happen here.” Read More.
Romulus Report: Lessons from history about market drops
Today, let’s delve into a little market history and create a template for what we might be facing over the intermediate term. Between 1932 and 1933, after losing 85% between the October 1929 top and May 1932 bottom, the S&P rallied more than 100% over the next 12 months. By comparison, we just experienced history’s second greatest rebound from a major low, with the S&P jumping 103% in 16 months. Read More.
Not just Georgia: Evidence of 'ballot trafficking' in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan reported last week that Georgia state officials were in possession of video of 240 Democrat “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes “in the middle of the night.” There is evidence that the act was not exclusive to Georgia, reports say. Read More.
Labor Day cyber attacks disrupted WorldTribune's 'Window on the Real World'
A review of traffic data for finds that its firewall, like Israel's phenomenal anti-missile Iron Dome system, is swatting down hundreds of hostile bots and other cyber attacks each hour from all parts of the globe, Iran in particular. In the last week alone, there were more than 375,000 bot visits to the site with a few thousand blocked as hostiles. Read More.

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