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Corporate Watch

Tearing down Christendom: Will a subsidized Tower of Babel replace America?
There are significant touchstones that come with the transformation of a society. The Great Replacement of the American people is being revealed as proven fact more and more each day. With this comes powerful changes that resonate far beyond mere symbolism. A traditional Western culture is being toppled, and a new Tower of Babel is being erected to take its place. Read More.
Infamous Maricopa vote counter Richer: New PA elections chief is ‘fellow traveler’ 
Do you think there will ever be an on-the-level election in Pennsylvania ever again? Read More.
Facing reality: What do the owners of Fox News really think about the border?
At some point citizens of this country who call themselves by a host of names – “conservative,” “patriot,” “America Firster,” etc. – are going to have to face up to this fact and realize that the red-blue game they have bought into for their entire lives is a colossal lie. Read More.
Customers last: Ripping off clients, supporting woke cultural rot at Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo has been caught ruthlessly preying on its own customers again in a way that can only be called deliberately abusive. Read More.
Biden State Dept. pledges to bring ‘hundreds of thousands’ of Third World refugees to U.S.
An installed presidential administration is taking your country away from you. Read More.
Embracing Soros-think, George W. Bush Center celebrates demographic invasion of America
In the latest public revelation that “free market” faux conservative elites are every bit as determined to use the biological weapon of massive Third World immigration, both legal and illegal, as globalist leftists to create a “New America,” the George W. Bush Presidential Center has issued a shockingly blunt report celebrating the ongoing demographic transformation of this once-sovereign nation. Read More.
Is it racist to report how 'migrants' to Joe Biden's Open Borders America are being treated?
The profound suffering experienced by real human beings due to massive unchecked illegal immigration continues to bubble to the surface. Recent news reports make clear that children are increasingly being exploited in greater numbers. Read More.
UK cites Pfizer CEO for ‘misleading the public’ on children’s coronavirus vaccine
Breaking news out of England: Leading UK pharmaceutical regulatory watchdog rebukes Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. Read More.
More unconnected dots: Biden’s bizarre devotion to child transgenderism days before vote
In 2020, the American people were asked to believe that a feeble and gaffe-prone presidential candidate who barely presented himself before the general public amassed more than 81 million popular votes. Read More.
'Ye shall be as gods': In credentialed society, Lara Logan is out and Satan is in
The monolithic demonization of Lara Logan for daring to say that demons walk among us in the new world order of today comes as fascination with occult forces and other manifestations of dark spirituality are disturbingly on the rise and gaining approval in mainstream circles today. Read More.
Fetterman in 2019: 'I passionately reject any effort to define gender as a biological, immutable condition’
Pennsylvania Democrat U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman in his official role as lieutenant governor celebrated 2019 “International Transgender Visibility Week” by declaring, “I passionately reject any efforts to define gender as a biological, immutable condition determined at birth.” Read More.
Zuckerberg's Meta fined $24 million for violating campaign finance law
A judge in Washington state fined Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, the parent company of Facebook, $24.7 million for violating campaign finance disclosure law. Read More.
Only one year ago in Canada, unvaccinated were treated as lepers by 'experts' as holidays approached
Based on what we now know about coronavirus vaccines and transmission of the virus, is it impolite to call this a lie? Read More.
Paving the way for today's barbaric transgender surgeons: Love of money and the 1970s abortion boom
What people do realize right now is that something is very, very wrong with doctors in America today. Well, how did we get here? Read More.
Chase Bank cancels Kanye but demonstrated tolerance for Epstein
JPMorgan Chase bank is dropping Kanye West as a client, giving the rapper until November to find a new entity to hold his multibillion-dollar Yeezy brand. Read More.

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