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Corporate Watch

Explain this: The ever more powerful Epstein-centric web of influence spun by Milken and Black
It never stops being amazing to witness how comfortable the entire spectrum of American credentialed elites is with the very people who helped make notorious pedophile sex trafficker and almost certain intelligence-agent blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein. Read More.
Dark legacy: Hillary Clinton and the destruction of childhood innocence in America today
The American people likely will never learn the full extent of just how bought and owned the Clinton Crime Family is. Read More.
Anger at nature drives well-funded gay lobby and its child-grooming transgender agenda
Massive amounts of George Soros money have codified abortion into a constitutional right in Ohio. And, right on cue, a fully allied big-box media and dominant political establishment is cackling in unison that this is an organic representation of the will of the American people definitively proving that opposing the murder of the unborn is a political death sentence for conservatives. Read More.
Shocked by speaker's Bible-based childhood? What about 8-year-old Obama and his drag queen nanny?
New House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) Christian upbringing has made him a theocrat bent on throwing American culture back 250 years, big-box media organs breathlessly inform us. Why is this same yardstick not applied to Barack Obama and his radical transformation of this nation’s cultural and sexual mores? Read More.
Conservative? 2017 Bush Center forum featuring Nikki Haley was hatefest against America First Republicans
Nikki Haley is not going to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. This much we know. But something more than rejection appears to be happening. Lanes of relevance are being obliterated in the GOP today. Read More.
Uninvited by the Texas Tribune: Check this speakers list of media stars owned by Soros-Gates, etc.
If you’re seeking a classic example of how dominant establishment “journalism” is a cozy club wholly bought and paid for, look no further than the 2023 Texas Tribune Festival. Read More.
Wife of GOP’s ‘unanimous’ choice for Senate seat is actively fueling NYC migrant invasion
Who is Dina Powell McCormick? The uber-connected wife of the Pennsylvania Republican Party's consensus pick to be its U.S. Senate nominee in 2024 chairs a New York City-based foundation that works closely with nation-destroying globalist billionaire George Soros and aligned organizations to flood the Big Apple with illegal "migrants." Read More.
Hellbent: Leftists are dying from their own destructive but non-stop ideology
Bad news for those hoping the spate of recent headlines revealing how the corrosive consequences of leftist social policies are now blowing back upon those who have promulgated them might trigger meaningful change: progressive globalists are more than happy to sacrifice their own in pursuit of their larger destructive agenda. Read More.
Two young Murdoch proteges built a globalist entity that plotted migration invasion of U.S. cities years ago
The lines aren’t even blurred anymore. The dominant media nexus is a working agency of the globalist progressive ruling establishment today. Read More.
Dark obsession: Zelensky picks ruling elites’ ‘artist’ to 'help the children' in Ukraine
The spiritual darkness of the globalist progressive ruling establishment becomes more readily apparent with each passing day. Read More.
Mountain of evidence points to George Soros’s leverage over the Biden Administration
Who besides the Chinese Communist Party and Barack Obama are filling the vacuum of power at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? Read More.
'She played her cards right': Italy's Meloni, South Dakota's Noem and the implacable globalist agenda
How much more evidence do people need to realize that the politicians who are allowed to be elected to high office in the nations of the West, be they of the “left” or  the “right,” are thoroughly owned by the same powerful entities seeking to change the very nature of Western civilization at the expense of the citizens of those countries? Read More.
Coffee, donut and child mutilation: Dunkin' and its corporate transgender fellow travelers
The mind-numbing lockstep PC exercise known as Pride Month may have come and gone for another year, but the demonic attempt to poison children’s minds with a warped transgender ideology continues to enjoy prominent big-brand corporate backing. Read More.
Check has cleared: U.S. Chamber of Commerce formally surrenders to Bill Gates and globalism
The total transformation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce into an official spoke within the globalist machinery of tyranny has been sealed in the usual manner: Via the exchange of cold, hard cash. Read More.
Noted: U.S. ruling elite tactics against Americans closely align with China's ‘Three Warfares’ policy
It’s astonishing how closely the Washington Swamp’s overtly hostile treatment of American citizens dovetails with China’s notorious “Three Warfares” policy of weakening identified and potential enemies abroad. Read More.

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