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Corporate Watch

Top Biden economic adviser passionate about ‘Liberal World Order’, not America
Biden administration National Economic Council director Brian Deese caused a sensation on June 30 when he stunningly told dominant media organ CNN that the American people must bite the bullet on soaring gasoline prices in order to help preserve the “liberal world order.” Read More.
A word about certain cowardly American corporations
To wit: this week's parade of U.S. companies ostentatiously trumpeting "health care coverage" for employees who want to travel to Planned Parenthood-beholden states to destroy the lives of their unborn babies in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Read More.
Population control goes mobile in local communities with global corporate backing
The forces of population control are attempting to go grassroots with some major corporate support. Read More.
Big Pharma's next target: Health supplements
“Get the jab or lose your job” may be on the wane but the medical war to transform humanity goes on. A big congressional push is underway to put natural health supplements further under the screws of the Food and Drug Administration. Read More.
Shale oil pioneer Harold Hamm takes company private ‘to maintain our competitive edge’
Harold Hamm, who played a pioneering role in the shale boom that led to U.S. energy independence during the Trump administration, is looking to take Continental Resources Inc. private, offering about $4.3 billion in cash to buy the portion of the company’s shares he and his family don’t already own. Read More.
'Pride Month' or else: Nothing apolitical about the corporate assault on parents, children and traditional values
In honor of Pride Month and the corporate rainbow bombardment it always spawns, we’d like to remind you that the sexualization of children and the insanity of the transgender agenda is at the heart of the homosexual movement. Read More.
CEO of major pharma company in Spain charged with faking his Covid vax status
Police in Spain have charged the president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Read More.
State Farm rides out outrage over trans kids advocacy, but many major brands just as culpable
Being a toxic culturally Marxist neighbor finally caught up with capitalist behemoth State Farm this week as the insurance company found itself caught fast in a Woke mousetrap of its own construction. Read More.
Team Biden, UN coordinate creation of 'New America' as part of 'global diaspora'
If you are skeptical that the creation of a New America is indeed real, let us introduce you to “Diaspora Engagement.” Read More.
Big Abortion: Vast heavily-funded network is a tight nest of institutional power
Now that the entirety of the American Left is frothing at the mouth over the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, perhaps this would be a good time to re-emphasize that when we use the term Big Abortion, we are not only talking about Planned Parenthood and assorted feminist radicals. Read More.
MetLife corporate priorities: Diversity, inclusion and the Chinese Communist Party
Do American consumers know what is going in on the boardrooms of mega corporations they patronize? Read More.
Does Klaus Schwab have a mole in the post-2016 GOP?
The Great Reset is donning an America First skin suit. And no one is seriously reporting it. Why is that? Read More.
Disney employee testifies to corporation's 'silent majority'
When Disney announced its opposition to the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, it alienated the "silent majority" of non-woke employees within the company, a current Disney employee and Republican congressional candidate said. Read More.
And now, this: The euthanasia option in our technocratic world
Technocracy is on the ascent in the Western world to an astonishing degree, as the coronavirus hysteria so vividly revealed. Read More.
Disney bows left, promises to make more gay content for young kids
After being called out by the woke leftist mob for not objecting strenuously enough to a Florida law which prohibits the teaching of sexually-charged material in kindergarten through third grade, CEO Bob Chapek said Disney would ensure that more LGBTQ+ material is created for children. Read More.

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