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Canadian church conducts ‘crossing over’ euthanasia ceremony; Team Biden targets medical conscience
The Great Reset or New World Order or whatever you may wish to call it is ultimately anti-human at its core. As such, normalizing the Culture of Death is a key ingredient in the implementation of a total control apparatus. Read More.
Growing popular opposition in Solomon Islands reported over strategic agreement with China
Officials in the Solomon Islands are expressing "deep concern" over China's announcement on Tuesday that it had signed a security pact with the Solomon Islands. Read More.
Moscow took the bait: Strategic lessons from the Russia-Ukraine War
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war — even as part of a much larger strategic conflict — has already begun to yield significant lessons for statecraft and military operations. Read More.
From post-Trump exhilaration to panic: Ukraine War changes Europe’s views on defense
During the previous U.S. administration, Western European countries resisted President Donald Trump's appeals to increase their defense budgets. Read More.
At UN 93 nations rebuked Russia, down from 140; Backers increased from 4 to 24
For the third time in a month, the UN General Assembly has resoundingly rebuked Russia for its actions in Ukraine. A tough resolution supported by 93 countries versus 24 backing Moscow, suspended Russia from the Human Rights Council. Read More.
One year after demise of populist president, Tanzania celebrates vaccines; China port back on track
It was quite the convenient death for the forces of globalism including communist China, and one year later, it's consequences are being openly celebrated. Read More.
Looking East, beyond Ukraine: North Korea exploits a lapse in U.S. leadership
Thousands of miles beyond the widening tragedy in Ukraine, a new threat has reemerged on the Korean peninsula with a provocative long-range missile test by communist North Korea. Read More.
Analysis: 7 years and 6 months with no global warming
Seven and a half years have passed since there was any trend in global warming, according to the UAH satellite monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature dataset. Read More.
N. Korea tests largest nuclear capable ICBM as Team Biden moves to unilaterally disarm
Breaking its 2017 large missile test moratorium, on March 24, 2022 North Korea tested its largest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Read More.
4 Arabs states in Israel for unprecedented summit: Subtext includes Iran, ‘irritating’ U.S. policies
The foreign ministers of Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates arrived in Israel on Sunday for a historic two-day summit at Kibbutz Sde Boker in Israel’s southern Negev Desert. Read More.
The real goal of globalists in Ukraine
Ultimately, it’s up to Ukrainians to fight for and defend Ukraine – not America. We have enough problems here at home. Read More.
In case of 'existential threat': Kremlin details Russia's doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons
Vladimir Putin is not ruling out a nuclear strike if Russia faces an "existential threat," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday. Read More.
Hanson cuts through the fog of Russia-Ukraine War
If the powers that be chose to learn from the past instead of rehashing it, Vladimir Putin would not only be defeated but deterred in the future, columnist and historian Victor Davis Hanson noted. Read More.
Capitulation in Vienna: New Iran deal called disastrous for U.S. security
The Biden administration is on the verge of agreeing to a revived nuclear deal with Iran that would be disastrous for U.S. national security, officials and analysts are saying. Read More.
The bear trap worked perfectly, but what about its death throes?
By dragging Russia into the "swamp" of a bloody guerrilla war, the U.S. has achieved a brilliant tactical victory, but perhaps made a fatal strategic mistake. Read More.

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