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Member of parliament encourages Australians to break the law, defy Covid tyranny
Australian state premiers are "racing down" the path of totalitarianism "trying to out-tyrant each other, drunk on power, setting up their own bio-security police states complete with medical apartheid," parliament member George Christensen said as he encouraged citizens of Australia to defy Covid tyranny. Read More.
Mass protests in Austria as government announces forced vaccinations: Nuremberg code violation?
Massive protests erupted across Europe last week as country after country continued to impose strict, freedom-killing restrictions on their citizens. Read More.
Please Chairman Xi: After reversing Trump’s energy independence policy, Biden seeks help
Joe Biden's decision to reverse President Donald Trump's policies which led to American energy independence have already hit the nation hard at the gas pump and, as winter takes old, households which use heating oil will see a 40 percent increase in prices. Read More.
Erich Isaac, 93, fighter for Israel’s independence, first chairman of Americans for A Safe Israel
One of the last of the Jewish Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (Lehi) and first chairman of Americans for A Safe Israel (AFSI) passed away on Nov. 5. Read More.
Migrants as pawns in Putin’s hybrid warfare
The setting is remote. The players are highly improbable. Yet in the deep and forgotten forests along the Belorussian/Polish frontier, thousands of migrants from far off Syria, Iraq, and even Afghanistan are massing and milling trying to enter Poland. Read More.
Global immune system alert: Christmas canceled on fully-vaccinated Gibraltar
Gibraltar, the British Overseas Territory on Spain's south coast, was recently declared the most vaccinated place on Earth. Of those eligible, 100 percent have gotten the Covid jab. Read More.
Analyst: CCP in ‘sprint’, loves Team Biden’s nuclear security policy
The communist regime in China is "sprinting to build" an estimated 350 new silos for its intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), analyst Rick Fisher noted. Read More.
Houthis storm U.S. Embassy in Yemen, demand large quantities of equipment
Team Biden gave away billions in U.S. military equipment to the Taliban and now an Iran-backed terrorist organization in Yemen apparently wants a piece of that action. Read More.
How could life in North Korea get even worse? Meet the Covid-19 Communism variant
The ongoing global COVID pandemic combined with a shroud of secrecy and indifference has hidden the fast-deteriorating human rights situation in North Korea. Read More.
South Korea’s ruling party candidate advocated pro-North, anti-U.S. positions
The presidential candidate from [U.S. ally] South Korea’s ruling Democratic Party of Korea (Deobureo Minjoo Party) is steeped in pro-China, pro-North Korea, and anti-United States political stances, an analyst said. Read More.
NIH-funded scientist filed for vax patent in February 2020; Book cites September 2019 Covid launch
A Chinese scientist who received funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) filed a patent for a Covid-19 vaccine soon after the communist government in Beijing admitted there was human-to-human transmission of the virus, a report said. Read More.
Securing Earth from space: China makes race out of developing planetary defense tech
Early on this coming Nov. 24, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is scheduled to launch the initial American attempt to test technologies that could be used to defend Planet Earth. Read More.
Report: Taliban distributes 'kill list' of LGBT Afghans
The Taliban has created a “kill list” of suspected LGBT people in Afghanistan and is widely distributing it among its jihadis in an attempt to execute all those identified. Read More.
Analysts: China might not delay seizing control of Taiwan and its TSMC strategic monopoly
China is fully capable of a D-Day-level invasion of Taiwan and might not wait very long to unleash an attack as the communist regime of supreme leader Xi Jinping has designs on taking control of Taiwan's production of global semiconductors, analysts say. Read More.

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